Wednesday 21 December 2011

Waiting, an art

Waiting a process,
needs a lot of patience
To keep one waiting,
obviously a nuisance
Waiting for an achievement,
d’ prime goal of life
Wait for a baby,
 a longing of husband & wife

A dream to come true,
eventuates in a painful wait
to accomplish d’ desire,
one has to sweat
wait for a negative work
 races one’s heart
Profuse perspirations, excitement
 though acts appear smart

Peasants wait for rain,
 to harvest a bumper grain
Protract wait for an affair,
forge one to wail in pain

Waiting for a payment,
 makes one eager
Sit tight for days, weeks,
months, even a year
Wait to steal, a watchful waiting
An alert wait, with copious sweating
Still people wait & sweat
D' heedful act, caught if not exact
Vigilant wait for a prey,
 needs patience, perseverance
Waiting for a noble cause,
turns life purposeful & pleasant


 Waiting for romance, a penance
Needs  a sharp vision, a sixth sense
Waiting for food makes one wild
speaks of d’ stars, grown up or a child
Wait for a stunning victory,
 may turn one superstitious
Hang on for auspicious moment,
to celebrate great occasions
Waiting for grave,
 makes one absolutely brave
Fear factor extinguished,
boldly does d’ one behave


Waiting for a train,
Just horrible, gives a lot of pain
Waiting for a luck, makes one sick
Beggars wait for an alms,
stretching their palm
Horse waits for fodder,
obtained,once riding drive over
Slum dwellers in metros, look for a chance
For a little space in footpath
For few hours, just to lie
Underneath d’ open sky
For a release from a jail term,
wait is to get rid of d’ misfortune

Waiting for an engagement,
often turns one adamant
Waiting for a nuptial knot
if unending, marital age cross
A son-in-law of perfect match,
 needs a relentless & ceaseless search


Wait, entwined to life of each creature
Often provides immense pleasure
Endurance turns it memorable,sweet
 Fortune hunters in Africa,eagerly wait 
Single diamond dug up in sand,
Brings in life, a tremendous change


Wait ends up in frustration, or a victory
Occasionally a memorable history
Not only animals & human
God even waits for an ideal incarnation
wait for an ideology,ideally be a passion

Several  evenings pass, in a wait
For d’ dear darling’s sake,
Some evening, not deceiving,
obviously will bring her back

How long I’ve to wait for U ?

Waiting for years through

hope, U’ll explore me some day

Do appear, don’t shy away

Dream castle built, seems pretty,

 in your absence, it's all empty,

Tell me, what I mean to you,

Just an empty vessel, nothing new ?

Forlorn journey of life, scares

waiting for moments that'll be ours

My wait is not yet over
I’ll wait for ever and ever
Mind rushes, it's a racing rocket,
Body still in a bullock cart
My wait continues,
because waiting, an art