Sunday 19 February 2012

Nothing’s foolproof


Not sure enough of anything,
underneath d’ sky
Even own location,
lying low or flying quite high
Security, a concern,
set aside social position

Hard to avert hazards,
No fortress, no armedguards
None can safeguard
No Greyhounds,
No German shepherd

Dwell in bunker

Firearms procured,
Dover man engaged,
Still life at stake
Try all security code 
shut d’ windows & doors
Still death creeps in 
Security Z-plus,cross d’ assassins 
Even away from loss & harm,
 a caged life!,carries no charm

We rely on none
Car doors locked,
still alarms installed

& kept on

Wealth insured, for burglary
Treasure safes locked doubly,
to watch d’ locks,engaged sentry
Yet robbers barge in
    Sweep valuables away,

       in no time

Armed troops employed,
to defend d’ country,
to thwart intruders’ entry

Extremists yet sneak in
to start,unexpected attacks,
 indiscriminate firing

Health insured,

no care, for cost of cure
Proficient doctors,
 in chest pocket
Ever ready for,
 five star treatment
A multi millionaire or a landlord
If death knocks at d’ door,
It’s mandatory to
answer d' door & surrender

Hospitals, if on fire
Suffocation kills,
 not a disease flare

Forlornness of separation,
prompts for cozy relations,
No emotional safety code
Heart goes missing,
in a romantic mood

To allay anguish & humiliation,
an alcohol or drug addiction
 Resolves, no problem,
can’t fix d’ misery
Despair, distress,
further added to d’ story

To guard harems,
eunuchs kept
Chastity of queens,
still at stake

 chastity belts,
can’t secure character
a derisive connotation,
no sense in d’ order
Still kings feel happy
though no evidence of
character safety

To defeat virus,

timely vaccination
Mother’s milk,immunity laden
No food from co-passenger,
Gentleman labeled, stranger
Cyber crooks',cunning tricks 
to crack software security
Penalty for crimes, no hurry
adversely acts d’ judiciary
To get rid of family burden
run away, d’ only solution
Insurance schemes,
never suit poor,
want livelihood,
wholly secured
 work sought, no charity
 little lift in life, bit dignity

Lays golden eggs,

 d' insurance hen

 to whitewash fools' brain 

savings plans,illusory,

 no income

interest engulfs,
creeping inflation
Pension schemes on,
 no old age protection

Probity nil, no guarantee
keep d' hat on,
 it's our country
No basic healthcare provision
 insurance cover vague,
 aid never given
No monitoring of misdeed
Amass wealth, quench d' greed
In peril, our national wealth
Tax dodged, funds compounded
in foreign banks

  Plant hybridization,

by genetic manipulation
To speed up food production,
 combat famine,
& guard food adulteration
It’s against God’s will
markets flooded with all hybrid

With least security,
life’s manageable,
rather more meaningful
A blend of humor,
pathos & excitement,
turns it alluring, wonderful
But insecurity reared,
 in our mindset
We feel unsafe,
each single step
A lot of disbelief in our look
No place appears secured,
Nothing’s foolproof


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