Sunday 29 May 2011

Fastidious Fragrance

A merry humming birdie,
sang with shut beaks,
in thick forest
 in interlude,
in a moment’s rest
 smelled an exuberant essence,
in an instant
 blurred it's sense
A half blossomed flower,
placidly begetting
the opulent atmosphere
 Articulated in instance,
“it’s a fastidious fragrance
Uncovered veiled treasure ;
ought to see d' light for sure
beyond d'  forest density,
must touch towering fidelity
  Abundant potentials hidden,
need to translate into action,
sublimity in deserved sphere,
that’s it’s wish, that’s d’ desire
Abounding freshness,
not to be lost
d' insaning essence,
to be retained, at any cost
Appealing aroma not to melt,
in distant forest’s diluted air belt
That’s d' only eager aspire
it's life’s longing prayer
 To transmit d’ enticing smell,
 in a righteous way,
beyond d' horizon 
It enhanced humming,
in geometrical progression;
 Provoked d’ potential;
proud to lit d’ fire
D’ smack not to go haywire,
unrecognized, unidentified
D' sweet little flower,
not to wither unaware

Distances receded,
 proximity progressed
stretched its wings and tail,
on blooming flower’s stamen
gathered sparkling pollen
 dissemination d' ambition,
procreation the aim
Seed sprinkled in public parks,
  places of recreation
 pioneered plant propagation
crossed limits, perimeters,
in entire planet must see
d'  plant proliferation
Attempts laudable,
sincerity brought colour
fragrance diffused to nook & corner, 
to all near and far recess
Humming birdie 
humbled in success


Anonymous said...

Very Nice..

harivadan said...

very gud sir

Unknown said...

The deep you dig into the subject and give us the accurate data is appreciable.
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Unknown said...

very nice sir

Unknown said...

excellent sir

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Very nice sirr

Unknown said...

Very nice sirr

Unknown said...

V.v.v.v.good excellent good job i like it
like the job

Unknown said...

V.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.nice job I imagine u did it without anybody's help.

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