Tuesday 17 May 2011

Ageing …… A Scare Crow

Ageing, a set phase in life,

approach of mature years

how got to this juncture,

 ineffable, he was not sure!

 Body altered beyond belief,

intellects no more updated

ensued cerebral decaying,

turned lethargic, outdated

Reflexes truly retarding,

manifestly growing old

confidence fell to a low,

no more prompt & bold

Lively activities still on,

make feel eternally strong

but unceasing work tapered,

obviously he was wrong

Ventures in a good stride,

time passed in rabbit’s pace

ability made him proud once,

ageing crept in sans his sense

Dyeing hair an added work

to evince to be little younger

mind denies to accept d’ fact

never beget d’ natural cheer

Proud with surging ability,

perpetually felt like a lord 

never faced helplessness,

thus no inclination to God

Youth to go, beauty also,

too d’ vision and hearing,

 tensile strength of d’ skin,

d’ perception of cute thing 

Queen’s, no queen for ever

damsel, won’t stay damsel

ageing a constant process

turns a good heaven to hell

Each of d’ passing second,
turns us elder by a second

d’ inevitable task pursues,

never cease, it has no end

Love in d’ ultimate ruins,

the life to loose its essence

 d’ mellifluous music ends,

thinned out to utter silence

Occasionally we recollect,

 a spectacular work done

but then we get surprised,

if d' attainment's our own!

Ageing in all living beings,

 a routine process in nature

no one is blessed to forego,

no hefty genome can ignore

Footprints in life’s sea shore,

 blurred by the tides of ageing

achievements appear unclear,

just in d’ verge of vanishing


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