Monday 9 May 2011

My stars made me a favour

 On a routine evening walk,

I went to the countryside

came across an alien sight,

on d' way back from d' stride

From nearby irrigation canal,

to fill up a half dried up pond

by a stout black rubber pipe,

in force water being siphoned

Strained after the brisk walk,

took a break for a short while

in d' sizzling summer evening,

stood to see d' water filling drill

Sun setting fast, dusk unfurling,

steady water plummeting sound

lone viewer fully absolved in it,

no other soul found all around

To see it from a close range, 

casually I moved little closer

my reflexes threw me back,

had a glimpse of d' crawlers

Saw snakes lazily crawling,

I got a severing in d' spine

few eagerly waited to catch,

live hopping fishes to dine

Focusing at d' flowing stream,

 fishes caught like basket balls

stretching d' jaws wide apart, 

look as fish grasping oracles

A truly amazing prey ground,

but an obvious scaring sight

shining fishes gulped in toto,

wait for d' next turn in quiet

Saw two cobras lifting hoods,

an added God given privilege

I enjoyed from a safe distance,

a scope to study other snakes,

Soon came a startling climax,

a big fish jumped to d' bank 

did acrobatics, thump! hop.op,

bounced back to pond, splash!

Before I realised d' scenario,

make an attempt to capture 

it dissipated in its safe abode,

impulse died down, thrill over

Witnessed d’ striking scene,

inscribed in d' mind for ever

for glimpse of d' wacky episode

my stars made me a favour


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