Saturday 18 February 2012


I pronounced,
I’m ready to surrender
Conflict came to an end,
enemy disappeared
I accepted my defeat

vowed alike action,

not to repeat
Necklace of my failure
I put it on,
sans slightest cunctation

D’ world started changing,
colorful became d’ surrounding
War front,
altered to a flower garden
All of a sudden
So soothing, so lively
A desert, 
 filled with rich greenery
A battle battered town,
 turned in to a lovely harbour,
artistic & full of vigour
I started realizing,
 meaning of d’ soul,
Death appeared an unending,
decorous festival
Nothing more I expected
D’ best has been made


I’m a selfish lover,
biased in your love,
frequently changed color
Your credentials,
I never bothered
Enough time spent,
 for an enemy rear
Enemy so close to U,
so dear

I’m in an open field,

standing alone,
so forlorn, soaked in emotion
My existence steadily melting,
oozing out of my palm
I’m my bitter foe
I’m my bosom chum
I’ve to walk a long way with me,
hand in hand
I’ve to gossip with me,
not wasting a single second
I’m my trusted lover
Me, in my memory,

 forever & ever
So, absolutely no hesitation

 to surrender
Bring in to life a lot of wonder


bunny said...

wow...its beautiful...

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