Monday 21 May 2012

Your assigned job


To fall in love,
a damn easy job,
any idiot can do
but to fall out of love
a tough task
assigned by you

 My valour vanishing
 bubbles bursting,  
 D’ love lies intact
I’ve dwindled in,
No chain, no rope,
 yet snugly, we tied up
Nuptial knot fixes in cage,
no scope of voice raise
Wish to cry, want to sob,
 failed in d’ assigned job

Taken your tough offer,
turned docile, agreed for,
Conceded to thrones,
to prick in quiet
None left behind
to nick your tender feet

All lights doused,
  a sole candle burning
Keep on waiting,
for your coming
Do come through,
darkness not to deter U

In drizzling rain,
a mini umbrella in hand
look for your come back,
soak not, for my sake
not scribbled, on forehead
for each other,
we’re not made

For obvious reason,
your fantasy expansion,
blocked my field of vision,
altered d’ real situation
 Ties, already U've fastened,
  indistinct to me, in oblivion
My aimless drift in illusion,
a needless lurch,
 befogged notion

Hard to snap d' ties, 
to come close,
with a freshly bloomed red rose,
Symbol of unfaded love
 can't be snatched, tough to rob
ventured utmost,
 for d' chore above
But failed in d’ assigned job

Love, d' curious term, so silly
an imperfect being,
assumed perfect, fully
I strived with full effort,
focused my entire thought
 No tips could settle struggle
got drowned in love fever
 lost d’ battle, it's not easy
turned bankrupt, gone crazy

Energy depleted, I’m worn,
hair haphazard, attire torn
I’m declared, love prone,
a funny subdued pawn
Love, d' amazing commodity
unable to walk out of it
Stray dogs chase,
stones pelt by mob,
 failed in d’ assigned job

Once it altered look to life,
made me decent, utterly bright
Got excited, fully thrilled,
all blankness, instantly filled
Life turned just wonderful,
 floated free in fairy tale
No tall talks,
 no candle light dinner
No shower of gifts,
 fugitive pleasure

 Own well being ignored,
 for your joy
If U hurt, me a violent boy
To set right all your mess,
 for a crescent of smile, 
in your face
But d' Herculean task,
 I can't solve, 
even tried few pegs in a pub,
Still failed in d’ assigned job !