Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Truth has no expiry date

Unable to recollect,

if an auspicious date!

Grandpa gave d’ gift packet,

I had no patience to wait

Focused entire attention,

unwrapped it, excited to cut open

Found a pack of cards,

each card with few words

Prudently printed on it,

read one by one, tit by bit

Familiar facts,

sun rises in east, sets in west

Snow is white,

 snowflakes take an hour to alight

Water flows, in down gradient,

to lower generations, love percolates

A bread slice falls, buttered side down,

around earth revolves, a restive moon

One sky exists, for all of us,

grass's greener beyond d’ fence

Everyone eats, breathes, is born & expire

where-ever U go.... there you are!

Trial’s futile to chase the horizon

d’ faster U move, faster it’s gone

Till it’s realized, you stood on it,

 run needless, U already in its ambit

Absurd for darkness, to fight with light

once day looms, night never at sight

a cow climbs upstairs, can’t step down

spell numbers up to 1000, no “a” found

Over lazy dog, the quick brown fox jumps

Alphabet’s each letter used, at least once

Strangely left handed, all polar bears

hummingbirds only, can fly backwards

At a stretch for 3 years, snails can sleep,

vaporized vodka’s inhaled, not sipped

Dinner wares if, made out of wheat

once food finished, plate one can eat

Dog has 30 puppy but 42 doggy teeth,

If U see a cactus falling, never catch it!

Umpteen cycles of lives & deaths,

descended several evolutionary steps

As microbe, insect, fish, bird & ape,

ultimately attained a human shape

Thus so special, life’s each moment,

 way we face, d’ manner we spend

Life a crazy ride, events unknown,

an ascent, a fall, things do happen

Truth about U two people can tell,

a ill tempered foe, a guy loves U well

D’ more you know, d’ more U realize,

in d’ vast Universe, how tiny your size

walk with it, truth moving alone,

seems so flail, only skin & bone

Bare bodied but needs no cover-up,

truth clean air, inhaled ease enough

 Self-evident, even seen by none

error can’t alter, by ample reason

Veil put on face, yet not hidden,

cloud endlessly can’t shun d’ sun

Memorize none if truth’s spoken,

be bold, erect even if one & alone

Truth puts on shoes, yet to fix lace,

5 times around d’ world, lie travels

Truth hurts but absolutely heals,

lie comforts much, ultimately kills

Kick truth all day, like a football,

at end of d’ day, still ready to roll

Even if hammered, with all might,

neither it fractures, nor ever vanish

If cobwebs of ignorance’s cleaned,

truth shines clear, distinctly defined

Imbibed truth from cards in d’ packet,

firmly espied, truth has no expiry date