Thursday 28 November 2013

Temples all around


 a temple of knowledge

Topics deliberated,

take home message dispensed

to gather gist, a rush

Genius come to discuss

Tutors, learners depart

concrete compound left apart

deserted gallery, lonely vestibules

no lone human whisper audible


 a temple of justice

gather judges, lawyers, also culprits

Cases argued with valid points

Evidences produced,

 doctored documents often used

To convince judges,
 for a judgement

laws explained in, for & against

judges listen, take no chance

weigh pros & cons, in a balance

 do give an appropriate verdict

Blind folded d’ justice


a temple of health,

sick arrive with ample faith

A biological body submitted,

dent-paint, overhauls made,

as needed

 Trust on proficient doctors,

portrayed as if demigods

Job done with least chaos,

even during rush hours

Campus appears evidently clean,

a workshop seems so serene

A temple,

 temple of Gods,

their safe abode

Gods in d’ form of idol,

ambience placid & simple

A place to confess,

grief-joys to express,

 Truth & only truth, a confession
gushes from heart in original form

Each devotee expects a miracle,

though offerings, sufferings

 never inversely proportional

My cottage, a tiny temple I consider,

Only few manuscripts & a computer

Often I squeeze my heart,

for little juicy extract,

with my stock of words

Poems germinate,

vibrate emotion cords,

it's most tranquil a temple,

 even if no Gods

Brahma created mankind

ought to perish a day

Humans create poem

poet’s work do stay

Poems admired,
merger of meaningful words

Focus on facts of life,

thrive for countless years,

usher a precise path,

relevant for eras across

a home of worship of its kind,
 to render service to mankind
Verdict utterance, temple bells,

joy of wisdom, patients’ yells

Recited poems’ melodic sound,

made me feel,

temples all around