Sunday 28 September 2014

Mission accomplished

Already late for office, oh! My God

at least a fast local, wish to board

Stars favored!, soon I got it

no usual crowding,

a vacant window seat
In assigned stop,
 alighted from d’ train,
came to halt at platform number one

A comfortable journey, smoothly done,

yet plugged into ears, my headphone

Jockey’s funny jokes on FM

 and random songs

spotted few hustles,

 something surely wrong

A vigorous checking on,

TC squad busy,

on a surprise inspection

Pushed hand into back pocket,

  monthly pass, in my wallet
To my utter dismay,

no trace of wallet,

deceived by a flat back pocket

Even no money,

 to pay fine amount

no scope to convince,

 with soft words or shout

Dignity at stake,

 a risk I’ve to take

Moved towards foot over bridge,

with unsure steps

to find a slip route,

a chance to escape

A dopamine surge pushed me up,

climbed d’ steps to reach d’ top

A ticket less travel, against my norm,

TCs in all entry point of platform

No mercy,

all set to execute their plan

innumerable hurdles,

to reach platform number seven

Run, jumps, somersaults,

to cross several levels

like pawn of a video game

try all tricks possible

Clad in white shirts, black trousers

a check for tickets,

 passes of d’ commuters

Few faces hung in shame,

to convince, a trail by some

few with helpless looks,

others absolutely mum

I too felt awkward,

 but posed confident

A slim smile flashed in lips,

if a TC confronted

Some exchanged return smile

few stared for a while
As I crossed,

 platform 1 and 2 barrier

a TC shouted, "listen hello mister"

hesitatingly turned around,

he meant d' guy next to me, I found

Moved ahead, a bit relaxed,

an unwished episode,

coaxed my stars

Level 2 beat easy to cross,

TCs busy scribbling receipt papers

A horde of ticket less travelers,

helpless looks at each other

In front of me, TC caught a person

pulled aside, conversation on

Stood a bit, saw a funny show,
a meek girl’s appeal, to let her go!

TC didn’t budge, “show authority,

no pass, no ticket, pay d' penalty”

 Poor damsel forgot her wallet too!,

if I had my wallet, abet her rescue
Things did happen as per my plan,

I crossed last level, 5 & 6 platform

Excited, only stairs left to get down,

unusual thrill, won a golden crown!

Ticket less travel!, a tricky situation,

skipped wary eyes beyond imagination
Elated with bravery, moved ahead,

felt gentle grip on shoulder blade

Stunned, stopped, turned behind,

blood drained fast, out of my mind

a sweat bath, utterly speechless,

“U can’t leave station, so careless”

Jubilation came to an abrupt halt,

mind blank, no clue how to react

Fully dumbstruck yet kept my calm,

sweat on forehead, wiped with palm

Heartbeats racing fast in chest cage,

in verge of trickle down, loaded eyes

“It’s your hanky?" he asked me gently,

"oh yah", I replied, picked up swiftly

Spotless, fittingly folded,

but not mine,

 looked for a dustbin,to put it in

Left d' station, wish to celebrate,

Mission accomplished, I’m great

Wished to jig with waving hands,

 a weird way to express happiness

Hailed a taxi, told him d’ place,

called team mate to pay d’ charges