Sunday 28 January 2018



Wednesday 10 January 2018


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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Cup to lips, many slips

That evening in new year eve,
met that spectacular person
he casually came ahead and
put up five firmed up actions

It is your new year resolve,
at first, do good to yourself!
to instil a positive spark in u,
to keep you healthy and safe

But live thru’ your liabilities,
recall various roles and duty
bring in prompt peace in life,
uphold confirmed positivity

D’ genius elaborated afresh,
do good to d’ man next door
along with these 2 activities,
revamp your positivity further

Do for others makes you know,
d’ depth of your responsibility
it builds up confidence in you,
firms up d’ mustered positivity

It’s often binding to perform,
certain austerities and rituals
also needs to define yourself,
in d’ role of a social individual

All along stick to d’ principles,
harm none even in poor state
reshape to a valued character,
boost up own affirmative asset

Got it?, asked the wise man,
looked straight in to my eyes
discipline already set in you,
follow it uprightly as advised

I vowed, insistent to do so,
instantly he did interruption
wait.... there’s this last one,
to ease d’ task, must mention

“One more?”, I got impatient,
he gave a smile, serenely told
a very vital facet of our life,
do you ever believe in God?

An oft repeated saying goes,
“Between a cup and the lips,
it is never always certain,
there might be many slips!”

Mishaps never come single!,
no one knows what’s in store
one’s not same next moment,
personality may entirely alter

When misfortune knocks hard,
all firmness vanish in no time
can’t retain d’ mental balance,
as if committed an awful crime

Plan to lead further life fails,
only way often faintly visible
firm trust in Almighty’s valid,
helps to get up, be movable

God only guides us all along,
kick-start life with that faith
ultimate attitude alters soon,
erupts d’ eternal awareness

Nothing here belongs to me,
that itself makes d' upsurge
through d’ ultimate positivity,
be humble whole life, an urge