Monday 30 July 2018

Let go d’ ego, admit own ignorance

The king dug a magnificent pond,

frankly being a fish loving person

for fish farming wished to engage

a fisherman, with utmost devotion
Variety of tasty fish he cultivated,

to satisfy his Master’s fish apatite

when d’ king wishes to have a fish,

he supplies one, that’s d' most sweet

Each time king takes a fish meal,

surprised to find it’s too delicious

but a net never flung to catch fish,

he heard, it made him suspicious

So luscious fishes from the pond,

wanted to watch, how he catches

always one with different features,

more sweet than d' previous fishes
Summoned d’ fisherman next day,

expressed his desire to have a fish

must be a finger-licking lovely one,

an exciting lunch he sincerely wish

Fisherman plodded fast to the pond,

chanted some hymns in a low voice

an awesome fish swam towards him,

it ought to be up to d’ king’s choice

Caught the fish, saluted the pond,

began a brisk walk towards palace

king will have a sumptuous lunch,

one of his best and evidently rejoice

D’ king got startled to see this act,

went to his house when was alone

asked him to teach d’ secret hymn,

to catch fishes in a similar fashion
Fisherman denied to teach d’ hymn,

he fell on his feet with broken heart

d’ old man obviously felt awkward,

he lastly resolved, to tutor him d' art
Learnt d’ trick, rushed to the pond,

curious if it’ll work, eager to test it

recited d’ hymn, a fish jumped out

of the pond,  fell flat near his feet

To see the superb super-active fish,

king felt happy, entirely surprised

revealed d’ thing to all in d’ palace,

queen, ministers, chefs and sentries
Taught me the hymn a great hermit,

urged not to divulge it to anyone else

blessed me for d’ sincerity in service,

moved ahead, receded in d’ darkness

Gathered at d’ pond, all inquisitive,

eagerly waited to see fishing magic

king recited d’ hymn in loud voice,

no happenings, jumped out no fish
Felt stupefied, d’ hymn didn't work,

fisherman to be given major penalty

stern voice of pond heard from d' sky,

he taught, no hermit, how he’s guilty?
Rueful  king confessed d’ misdeed,

invited the fisherman to his palace

felicitated him as his noble teacher,

touched d’ feet, begged forgiveness
Next day again, king tried d’ hymn,

an amazing fish hopped out,

not by chance

a guru is not a crutch, rather a bridge,

if let go d’ ego, admit own ignorance

Tuesday 17 July 2018

No wealth can ever purchase

Her friends busy in playing,

to join them she didn't bother

wished for something unalike,

to pursue a little bit of cheer
She gripped the chalk well,

in thumb and d’ slim fingers

ventured to draw her mom,

a mom, on d' orphanage floor
She was her sweet mother,

didn't dither, left her alone

she's too precious for her,

even if deserted and gone
Had no time to talk to her,

where to rest, what to eat?

is there a secured location,

for d’ only kid, right and fit?
Done with d’ sketch on floor,

her mother looks so innocent

could have forgotten d’ child,

but truly she's utterly decent

Took off the shoes with care,
laid down on mother's chest
can't think up any other place,
so safe and sound and d' best
In no time, fell deep asleep,

a serene sleep, glee immense

cosy, simple, so comfortable,

can’t depict human language

A divine state of well being,

enjoyed with ample freedom

d’ sublime message of love,

inscribed in d' chest of mom
A free stance, easy posture,

as baby in her womb she grew

that’s the precise happiness,

she had enjoyed, she knew

Happiness a gifted moment,

can't be pursued, nor for chase

with love, goes hand in hand,

no wealth can ever purchase