Monday 10 June 2019

Fani, you are a great teacher

Came dear FANI,

my unseasonal, uninvited guest

stayed for a while, left in a hurry

posed to be busy, no time for rest

as if some VVIP, extra ordinary

D’ unexpected visit, surprised us,

taught us, enough of life lessons

no more proud to be city dweller,

a forlorn life, snapping relations

Need alliance with neighbours,

can’t cut off links with relatives

roads are blocked, power’s gone,

find no respite from water crisis

How to breathe, felt suffocated,

drowned in d’ depth of darkness

it taught trick to have deep sleep,

even if d’ AC is fully functionless

Walking is useful, of vast benefit,

preferred then to rely on a vehicle

four wheeler use to be forbidden,

to buy match box, few vegetable

to clean clothes, for their drying,

not to wait for washing machine

no Hospital visit for all ailments,

can take care of own well being

Now convinced, can always live,

be alive without a mobile phone

ATM, credit cards can never help,

learnt to have some cash at home

With humility and pain I do admit,

smart city turned to smashed city

yet you imparted a lot of lessons,

even if devastated entire locality

Now alert how to survive in odds,

in midst of havocs, natural disaster

extend my sincere thanks for d’ jolt

u gave, FANI u are a great teacher