Thursday 23 June 2011

An unusual idea explosion

Creativity aroused,

a dormant poet germinated

to quietly thrive, flourish,

branch, re-branch and spread

Strings of d’ cardiac violin,

steered  by an unknown guest

to set up a sweet symphony,

never acceded to take rest

Sunk potentiality excavated,

an amateur poet exhumed

d' sparky strife in life started,

and its genuine hue resumed

Poems?, out of the blue,

flashed like lightening

at unpredicted moments,

beyond d’ limits of

place of dwelling

At a traffic post or platform,

in a crowded train on run

in a dull humid afternoon,

or during an incessant rain

Floating ideas in d' brain,

noted down in an instant

allowed no time to spare,

or else evaporate too fast

Vocabulary mushrooming,

no deficit of decent words

enough strength in d' wings,

to achieve heights desired

Feel like an un-caged bird,

allowed outright freedom

mind, now a workroom for

ample poem production

Already born a neo-poet,

in a cohort writer’s ashes

his poetic portrayal matches,

with rare life circumstances

As if an alive or extinct guy’s,

a factual thrilling life story

but all purely coincidental,

only fictitious and imaginary

For years stayed so reserved,

absolutely docile an introvert

now wish to lay golden eggs,

with entire piled up thoughts

Ideas tend to flow off d’ cuff,

non-stop, like water from a tap

diverting to a creative junction,

to carve it into a poetic shape

Often stretch d’ sprouted ideas,

then twist, entwine and paint

to make it lively and lovable,

blend with emotion, excitement

In an uninterrupted pace,

one has to keep on walking

nothing remains unaltered,

situations go on changing

We know not our position,

if it’s a time to run or skate

need not task d’ mind to opt,

if begin to bend or stand erect

Poems hatched as miracles,

an altered pledged condition

things occur as an impulse,

an unusual idea explosion


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