Tuesday 3 April 2012

Me a cloud, as U wish


With abundant autonomy
to assume size & shape, any
Free to fly, in sky, high up
touching tender tree top,
Over crags, rills and hills,
seldom come to a stand still

Look like d’ head of a lion,
a roaring mouth, wide open
Or an overactive baby elephant,
offering a garland in its trunk

Resemble a furious creature,
  akin to an illiterate’s signature
A flamboyant flake of loose cotton,
Slipping quietly, bale’s detention

Allow birds to fly, past my chest
Piercing, as a high velocity bullet

Flickering sparks in my womb,
rain drops coalesce to water bomb
Can create, flash flood fury
alter numerous life story
Befriend with hurricane, thunder
A full stop applied to all wonder
Profusely shower paddy fields,
to bless peasants, best yields

A peek-a-boo play with Sun
At times, a cumulonimbus form
No constant configuration
Change in design, my fascination
Never ever repeat d’ contour
shun a stop, seldom bother
Live in present, no regret
Brunt of past, swiftly forget
Quite casual in my go,
proceed with blemishless flow

Long wait of thirsting flowers
end with my soothing showers
 Respite from sizzling summer
 turn in events, altered weather

Me, messenger of yester years
Carry emotion drenched letters
amongst d’ lover couple,
seeking help, times multiple

 Sign of life, my motion,
not entangled in emotion
cloud not even a single mind
no assault from front or hind

never cloud eyes with tear
Life’s packed with wear & tear
Raining's my job, duty bound
Solace in voice, clear & loud
Wish no panic, not to scare
keep d’ heart, free from fear
Dance, rejoice, shout in cheer,
no gloomy sky, in near future
Daunting cloud, abruptly vanish,
A clean blue sky, as U wish


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