Sunday 24 March 2013

Strange notions

It often occurs, too hypothetical,
appears absurd, nothing abnormal
Food cooked and kept in kitchen,
salivating smell, ready to be eaten 
Still I carve, an illusory situation,
no eatables, starving only option
Tummy empty, no retort in mind,
Gulp only water, get acclimatized

Wished to walk a stretch at ease,
a seashore stroll, in cool breeze
Assume a while, not able to see,
a stick to sense d’ things for me
Perceive events in surrounding,
sense d’ ambience, being a blind
Ample objects, mind’s eyes see,
 vastness of sand and tides in sea

Just formed a fussy fascination,
U so close, still appear unknown
No concern, no bites of emotion,
as if we exist in  distant locations
Wily diplomacy dipped innocence,
in too bosom a guy’s serene face
Abuses, yells of suffering persons,
Shrills, symphony, same vibrations
Pass in zone of decayed corpses,
In a temple, with heavenly smells
Pungent fumes of a chemical Lab.,
no elation with a somatic smell fab
Erotic fragrance of fresh flowers,
 foul odor of sewage tank spillage

Chaotic rush, a bomb blast sound,
frightening bark of a grey hound
A black smith’s hot metal hitting,
wood pecker’s, sedulous pecking
Recurrent hissing chord of snake,
 earth arrived baby’s woeful cries 
No romance, no passion arousal,
even close proximity to a damsel

Unable to walk, intact lower limbs,
 conceptualizing a limbless feeling
 Amidst near dear ones, feel forlorn,
shrouds a vacant feeling, I’ve none
I’m all alone, an unknown person,
an imprint set, to me none’s known
I’m non-existent, no shape, no form,
ample comfort in a nihilistic delusion


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