Monday, 22 April 2013

Pebbles in d' pie


Tu-one Tu-in went to forest,
for pies a  firewood collect
Pies baked till golden brown,
turned crispy crunchy soon

Oven put off, sat together,
gulped one after the other
In no time, all d’ pies over,
done!, none left for others
Hurried came tiger uncle,
asked to have a bite single

  All finished none in d’ dish,
reached late, so U missed
Wait a while, to be redone,
must have patience some

Picked pebbles from street
put in d’ batter and mixed
Over, the tiger uncle‘s wait,
pie made pat, served in plate

 Began to munch it straight,
dislodged top canine tooth
Had incessant stabbing pain,
 the tiger’s might, all in vain
For absolute instant relief,
rushed to nearby Dent clinic
To get uprooted tooth fixed
Not to have complication risk
Dentist did earnest appeal,
on dental chair lie flat & still
Loaded soon anesthetic gun,
shoot it in to d’ swollen gum
that’s d’ way it’s being done
to alleviate, pain of fixation
Take ample care, not to hurt,
chew U all alive, if pain I got
My teeth need proper repair,
lied calm in d’ dental chair

Dentist's face turned too pale
 he quivered, quaked tremble
Expertise used, job well done
pain vanished, thanks given
Tiger walked to deep forest,
a desire to have ample rest
Learnt d’ lesson, it’s not fair,
to put nose in other's affair

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Can a camera capture!

Madeleine camera,
                           a new invention,

 gathers whole information

Not only images,

                       captures fragrances
Smell particles, a funnel sucks,

plots a graph, keeps records

Data deposited in a polymer,

reproduced to create wonder

Release re-release 
                                      memories in store,

a cake, a perfume, 
                                     a sunny sea shore

Bite in to a biscuit, 
                                          its crispy crunch,

a private gossip,
                                          behind d’ church

A flood of memories gushes out,

innocent smiles, horrifying shouts

Wise to forget disturbing smells,

no desire to enscript woeful yells

All recollections not to be graphed

Happy memory even if recorded

it’s charm half remembered & fade

Loveliest fragrance not to go in vain

Smell of wet earth, after light rain

Perfume of lover, loved U d’ most,

Smell of a lovely baby, U held close

Mist of incense stick in holy temple,

each one set in a necklace like jewel

Within larger encircling memories

Trudging up a lonely rain-flecked walk

Lover’s eyes as U shared a laugh

A tiny child’s awe inspiring purity

Capturing precise molecular smell

Cannot save d’ bigger picture

Reach back in to d’ cup boards of mind

To remember how things were

D’ agony and joy of life

Rummaging for a fragment here

a remnant there, in piece meal

Remembering past

Life's entire hurts-comforts ratio,

can a camera capture
d' whole scenario ?