Sunday 14 April 2013

Can a camera capture!

Madeleine camera,
                           a new invention,

 gathers whole information

Not only images,

                       captures fragrances
Smell particles, a funnel sucks,

plots a graph, keeps records

Data deposited in a polymer,

reproduced to create wonder

Release re-release 
                                      memories in store,

a cake, a perfume, 
                                     a sunny sea shore

Bite in to a biscuit, 
                                          its crispy crunch,

a private gossip,
                                          behind d’ church

A flood of memories gushes out,

innocent smiles, horrifying shouts

Wise to forget disturbing smells,

no desire to enscript woeful yells

All recollections not to be graphed

Happy memory even if recorded

it’s charm half remembered & fade

Loveliest fragrance not to go in vain

Smell of wet earth, after light rain

Perfume of lover, loved U d’ most,

Smell of a lovely baby, U held close

Mist of incense stick in holy temple,

each one set in a necklace like jewel

Within larger encircling memories

Trudging up a lonely rain-flecked walk

Lover’s eyes as U shared a laugh

A tiny child’s awe inspiring purity

Capturing precise molecular smell

Cannot save d’ bigger picture

Reach back in to d’ cup boards of mind

To remember how things were

D’ agony and joy of life

Rummaging for a fragment here

a remnant there, in piece meal

Remembering past

Life's entire hurts-comforts ratio,

can a camera capture
d' whole scenario ?


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