Saturday 29 March 2014

A woman needs a man

A woman needs a man

to confront a live cockroach,

mysteriously creepin’ up at kitchen sink
With entire attention on,
and granted no liberty to wink

To change fused bulbs of d’ toilet,

 replace all with mercury lamps,

To chase mischievous mosquitoes,

with a chargeable racket,

To fetch fresh gasping fishes

from d’ fish market

To drive her around, lug d’ groceries,
for her Nokia lumia to get accessories

To lift bulky baggage off d’ carousel,

at arrival lounge in airport,

to carry shopping bags to parking lot

 And to start and reverse d' car,
even to fix a tyre, if it goes flat
Though no topics to gossip,
yet to garrulously chat

To make weddin’ anniversary 
a mega event,

for grand cards, tinsel, dinner,

a lavish spent

To drag him as sacrificial goat,
 a pawn,

to be targeted,

for events in life that goes wrong

To pluck mangoes from top branches
for a hot sauce
to dye hair at d' black hole of scalp,
if rear view mirror had no access
To sing a song of appreciation,
if she puts on a modish dress

 Hurriedly to take crucial decisions,

to decide a honeymoon destination

 To have babies, healthy and wise,

their naughty activities to supervise

 To pour out entire earnings

for children education,

And finally for them,

a befitting groom or bride selection

To exploit decades long friendship,

and extract sundry surprise gifts

To be used as a stopgap chef,
to escort her,
to city's renowned coffee cafe

To set ill fitting cupboard doors,

 least bothered for

d' life ahead to be spent together

As a supporting partner,

to make him an emotional fool

it’s her kingdom, her ridiculous rules

To edit her funny photos,
 for a fantastic look
and upload entire stuff in d’ face book


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