Tuesday 9 September 2014

A Black box feed back

I wish to adopt
a black box in operation theatre,
to track events occurring
As aviation black box used,
for flight data recording
Promising step,
to upgrade patient outcome,
a black box feedback,
genuinely welcome
Meticulous cabling of theatre,
cameras, microphones for data capture
dialogues, movements recording,
in resolution of high quality
heart rate, blood pressure, all data,
stored in memory with totality
Computerized eye wear for surgeon
to connect with the black box
No single data clouding,
perform like a Google glass
A surgeon’s autonomous practice,
after finishing training
no one watches, nobody coaches
no screening,
Enjoys absolute freedom,
monarch of own kingdom
No feedback of his activity,
no assessment of ability, quality
As if he never makes any error
a flawless character,
a capable artist,
an amazing sculpturist
Dark era over,
sky turning clear
A change’s imminent
must work for changing culture,
In evidence based medicine
ought to admit own errors,
Deficiencies acknowledged,
transparency reassured
Failure reconstructed,
learn from mistakes made
Minor inconveniences,
 in operating room
create a lot of differences,
make d’ profession bloom
Right materials, right instruments
to improve our flow and process
Poor work up badly impacts
 team dynamics,
reduces technical efficiency
Adjustment to any damn deficiency,
adopt indigenous ways, no decency
Do compromise with any situation,
for quality work, least botheration
Previous poor work, a precedence,
a vicious cycle sets in, in silence
Ability declines, technicality down,
not a bit worry, to save d’ crown
Black box, a marvelous tool,
 for quality improvement
but data to be protected,
kept out of  reach of patients
Even not to be available,
onto a hospital's internal server
Strictly kept within black box system
not to file lawsuits against surgeons
engage IT people, software designers
to navigate d’ newest technology cover
pivotal step to move medicine forward
a black box feed back, need of d’ hour


Unknown said...

a gud new innovating idea sir

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