Thursday 1 October 2015

After you are back.............

Had a sound heart to beat,

two rosy lungs for breathing

u vanished, no one worked,

I turned  into nonliving being
Drastically things changed
after your home coming,
air impels to gush in fast
heart resumed its rhythm
An intense desire sprouts
some one whispers in  ears
"U ought to live, take care
 for yourself and for others"

My two fleeting eyes and
four sleep loaded eye lids,
shut only for empty naps
a dearth of sweet dreams

after your come back
it strangely happened
a crazy desire crept in,
 to dive in to motley dream

U joined here and we met,
truly destined, no accident
fate engraved in our palms
in identical lines, similar trait

Cool breeze kept blowing
rain dripped in droplets
I sat secured in my bed
had no intent to get wet

Once you are back.....
scenario fully changing,
umpteen odds occurred,
many absurd happenings

An impulse cropped up
 to dance in soft drizzle,
 to get drenched and
  to rejoice, a titanic zeal

Earlier flowers bloomed
d' bees collected nectar,
Birds engaged in singing
streams ran downward

I gazed to infinity
silently saw d’ occasion
listlessly looked at it
no fervour, no reaction

After you're back home
things gained meaning
to chase the butterflies,
 resumed steady running

Even in synapses of mind
creative notions oozing,
but too hazy and unclear
unable to keenly define

Now fragile ideas fusing
 in a true facile fashion,
wish to scribble sky over
in an emotional version

The sky might fall short
its a poem for your sake,
all wonders happening
after you are back.....


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