Thursday 5 November 2015

Because words hardly matter

Life was getting soaked
 freshness of silent songs
season wrapped up fast,
something went wrong!

Memories withered soon
as if dry shrivelled leaves
Spring too passed quietly,
in no moment vanished
Damp eyes made me feel,
gone my ability, tricky skill
I’m no starter nor immature
 inefficacy crept in for sure

D' split second was fast over,
when we two met each other
soft smile on his lips flicked
curvy look in his quick eyes
I got bruised, intensely hurt,
his silence spoke quite a lot
No words his tongue uttered,
because words hardly matter

Sensed gravity in his brief talk,
 noted maleness in lively walk
 prompt, seems fittingly perfect,
obviously be my prime choice
But does he observe my love!,
felt tremor of my heart throbs?
Unable to express, wont utter,
because words hardly matter
Obviously I love d’ person,
one of the
world’s handsome creation
I’m nowhere near a start,
he fell right in to my heart
To d’ geek smart looking guy,
unable to open up,
know not why?
Also can’t stay
 quiet for a long time,
ought to
pour my heart, out to him
Being in love is awesome,
it may or may not blossom
No gossips, no chatting,
because words hardly matter

Boy friend a misnomer, I hate
journey so far with him's great
In my life a valuable person,
adheres to my labile emotion
I’ve no romantic involvement,
yet he’s life’s big achievement
If love is a real waste of time,
wish to repeat umpteen times
No talks, no gossips
yet moments feel much better
because words hardly matter

In love things appear rosy,
moon looks bigger and cozy
Music begins in background,
cease to listen other sounds
Love disheveled hair 
on his forehead,
smitten by his looks,
I’m going mad
 To stay immuned
to his alluring charms
just beyond belief,
 pinches, causes harm
I desire to step out of
four walls of my home
for his reception and
to extend warm welcome
I love just to be with him,
together silently do things
Instead of talk episodes,
smile exchange much better
because words hardly matter


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