Thursday 3 March 2016

You d' same cunning girl?

Tell me oh dear,

if u, d’ same smiley girl!

plays peek and boo,

 in my nightmare

In my calm nap

d' one creates havoc

my drooping eyelids

unshut in shock

Absolutely baffled,

awake entire night

me d' docile guy

hesitant to fight

no respite at all

U, d’ same insolent girl?

appears time and again,

 in my nightmare

Behaves too witty,

tries to out smart me

locks me in my room,

runs away with d’ key
If come to my reach

a lesson I will teach

curtail entire freedom

grab u in my arms,

like a captive under trial

u the same unruly girl!

loom, vanish, resurface

 in my nightmare

Granted u full liberty

to fly high in the sky

one day, be on my fist

my little butterfly
delicate your wings,

your soft architecture

evidently be in my care

 some day or d’ other

I can tell it for sure

u d' same cunning girl

 appears again and again

in my nightmare

Oh fractious darling,

keep on coming

once in my reach

I'll curb your flickering

 secure in my locker

 as a precious savings

ignore your ordeal

won’t bother to listen

aware of d’ thing!

U d' same naughty girl

sparkles quite often

 in my nightmare

Once I portrayed her

 in my serene poem

sneaked from d' lines

 in live she came

Slipped from my reach

beyond my capture
plays tricks with me

gives no respite at all

Now fully aware!

 u d' same defiant girl

 plays peek and boo,

 in my nightmare

To check my attire,

 if look into d’ mirror

I'm told, she'll be mine

 for ever and ever

is it truly destined,

will it be ever real?

or dip me in deep sea

make a big betrayal

she might ditch me,

d' same ticklish girl

plays peek and boo,

 in my nightmare


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