Wednesday 16 August 2017

An organ auction, d’ best option

My spends I did curtail
each rupee, I tried to save
from market, 
metro, temple or hotel

Put in a piggy bank,
for use in compelling condition
but instantly it got looted
in form of fat fees
by d’ school administration

Private school owners
skilled pickpockets
in no time can rub,
d’ hard earned money
of aspiring parents

"Don’t be too concerned
about your pocket,
a little, it might pinch
but it’s for fair education,
imparted to your kids"
 Banks collect interest,
mingled with charges hidden
Schools ask for hefty fees,
in a similar fashion

In a famed school, my kid,
I dreamt to educate
found a balance hanging,
in front of d' school gate

"Come, weigh your kid
with currency notes,
to pay for his admission
Right school of top repute,
for primary education"

Worryingly I agreed,
what all they told, I did
It's beyond belief,
with all humiliation,
admitted him,
in d' august institution

At d' outset, virtually upset
I scuffled, admission done
finally a sigh of relief,
at last I’ve won

After a month, got message,
classes to begin 3 days later
buy books, ties, shoes, socks,
copies, uniforms, pencil, eraser

  The Id card, school belt,
 also his school badge
all mandatory stuffs,
u need to purchase
Items for monthly projects,
do buy from d' market
It’s obligatory, no option
to make d’ child,
 stand on its own
Next d’ cultural functions,
must pay then, for participation

At d’ end of the year,
deposit ought to be done
for kindergarten convocation

My gloating chest shrunk, 
to learn varied fees collection
compromised all comforts
in double shift, job done
in streets, can try for alms
to beg is an art, yet to learn

 Last academic session,
a tight rope walk done
Shocked to hear, 
this year’s fee hike,
startled parents fell sick

Fathers’ faces unshaven,
wrinkles on forehead of moms,
body bone-skin, eyes shrunken
few mortgaged house property,
child’s education top priority
Met several other parents,
learned in a second
                               it’s hard to meet both d’ ends

In on line marketing sites,
a healthy organ, I can auction
A kidney or part of my liver,
for my kid’s quality education

 Fund paucity, crippled me,
 hinders my kid's study
mafia monopoly, can't fight ,
to forfeit an organ, I’m ready

Can’t reply my tender child,
why to back track from d' race
 decided to resolve d' issue,
 any challenge I can face

Part of my blood and flesh,
must settle his education
fetch fare price for an organ,
 to meet his fees, d’ solution


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