Friday 23 February 2018

Love eventually got installed

Tried my utmost, yet failed,

to be frank, I’m no technical

can you please install love,

do you have a love software?

My dear customer care guy,
what to do first, what’s next

how do I succeed to install it,

with no further time waste?

Listen with extreme care,

do follow my instructions

must hit on your heart first,

not forgotten its location?

Check, if you’ve found it,

ample programmes on run?

what all run at the moment,

need to delete, then it’s done, Betrayal.exe,

Losttrust.exe, does not respond,

corrupt the operating system

Lingers in indelible memory,

yet you will be able to load

all will get erased on its own,

don’t worry, not be bothered

Fresh schedules, can’t disrupt,

recent love, u must overwrite

turn off, losttrust.

com, go to site

Go to start menu, have patience

on, click’s made

invoke reprieve, repeat d’ action,

till d’ is erased

Superb, love started installing,

with modest effort, on its own

but being a base programme,

other hearts to be linked soon

Delete grudge, hate, resentment

pillory, denigration, censure

from all directories in system

empty d’ recycle bin for sure

Don’t switch off your mind,

till up-gradation is complete

error 420, can create trouble,

consistently be away from it

Click on the following files,

copy to d’ directory of heart

forbearance, leniency, mercy,

self esteem, serenity chart

countless coloured  boxes

appearing in the monitor, tranqulity.exe and many more

LOVE’s installed, running

ought to handle it carefully

repeated loading not possible

regular updating mandatory

Its a free ware with modules,

share it with everyone u meet

it will expand and propagate

installation saga’s complete

Tuesday 13 February 2018

My heart belongs to Bombay

Elegant city of seven islands,

on both sides the Arabian bay

for me it was, it’ll always be,

a city of dreams, my Bombay
I moved to this city one day,

on transfer, a penal posting!

it was a blessing in disguise,

I hardly could ever imagine
Spent almost a decade here,

a Metro with magnetic effect

for whatever reason u arrive,

fall in love with it, can’t forget
Arms out stretched for a hug,

warm reception to one and all

a city for people of any status,

have-nots, affluent seem equal
To experience life gave a scope,

learnt to struggle, got exposure

turned brave, utterly self reliant,

workaholic and fervent worker
A city that never ever sleeps,

has a rhythm, so synchronous

ever lively with regular beats,

entirely different, with a pulse
Its captivating effect grips all,

may be anyone, of any identity

whatever might be the motive,

slowly falls in love with d’ city
My job with vital responsibility,

3 Rly routes to frequently travel

with authority of my metal pass,

in Western, Central and Harbour
I located its positive features fast,

in no time it was a city of my own

learnt to deal with d’ change in life,

adaptation beyond d’ comfort zone
Enormous exposure to profession,

taught me lot, I was failed & flail

trod a path, dark and fully arduous,

to see light someday in life’s tunnel
D' future of my family, so unsure,

a fear resided in corner of d’ mind

no resentment, no bit of grumbling,

accepted each day, as I could find
Life is not to get stuck at a point,

ought to be an uninterrupted run

I tried to bypass all d’ obstacles,

had to reach its final destination

God had chalked out plan for me,

I had to move till concluding line

Life is not just d’ story of a fall, 

but to fall and rise,

 and run as a relentless stream
Idea to relocate to any other city,

I felt uprooted, my heart got torn

However active, advanced may be

upsets too much, for untold reason

Life a chest of uncertainty,

with flickering hopes

no one can behave smart

my Bombay days too precious,

a hidden treasure,

Bombay is close to my heart

Saturday 3 February 2018

To become a silent good girl

Stood at d’ corner of d’ room,

to perform d’ schedule regular

dad told, must stay in a corner

to become a silent good girl

Obedient, acted on his words,

couldn’t intuit d’ real meaning

eyes, d’ petals of a fresh lotus,

look, as if a docile deer gazing

Lean figure with long black hair,

spread open, wavering in wind

schooling completed long back,

higher study in corner of mind

 But can’t be a bold learned girl,

dad won’t allow to achieve that

society has drawn d’ limit lines,

get married, be a bride perfect

A girl with wings, it’s her life,

but they discuss, take decision

she dreamt to become an angel,

always ridiculous her opinion

Forced to shatter d’ nightmare,

ultimately hurt her tender heart

bashful to speak on own behalf,

she knew d’ silent good girl art

Can’t weave d’ nest of choice,

youthful desires need a burial

uncut teenage dream dumped,

to become a silent good girl