Tuesday 13 February 2018

My heart belongs to Bombay

Elegant city of seven islands,

on both sides the Arabian bay

for me it was, it’ll always be,

a city of dreams, my Bombay
I moved to this city one day,

on transfer, a penal posting!

it was a blessing in disguise,

I hardly could ever imagine
Spent almost a decade here,

a Metro with magnetic effect

for whatever reason u arrive,

fall in love with it, can’t forget
Arms out stretched for a hug,

warm reception to one and all

a city for people of any status,

have-nots, affluent seem equal
To experience life gave a scope,

learnt to struggle, got exposure

turned brave, utterly self reliant,

workaholic and fervent worker
A city that never ever sleeps,

has a rhythm, so synchronous

ever lively with regular beats,

entirely different, with a pulse
Its captivating effect grips all,

may be anyone, of any identity

whatever might be the motive,

slowly falls in love with d’ city
My job with vital responsibility,

3 Rly routes to frequently travel

with authority of my metal pass,

in Western, Central and Harbour
I located its positive features fast,

in no time it was a city of my own

learnt to deal with d’ change in life,

adaptation beyond d’ comfort zone
Enormous exposure to profession,

taught me lot, I was failed & flail

trod a path, dark and fully arduous,

to see light someday in life’s tunnel
D' future of my family, so unsure,

a fear resided in corner of d’ mind

no resentment, no bit of grumbling,

accepted each day, as I could find
Life is not to get stuck at a point,

ought to be an uninterrupted run

I tried to bypass all d’ obstacles,

had to reach its final destination

God had chalked out plan for me,

I had to move till concluding line

Life is not just d’ story of a fall, 

but to fall and rise,

 and run as a relentless stream
Idea to relocate to any other city,

I felt uprooted, my heart got torn

However active, advanced may be

upsets too much, for untold reason

Life a chest of uncertainty,

with flickering hopes

no one can behave smart

my Bombay days too precious,

a hidden treasure,

Bombay is close to my heart


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