Saturday, 11 August 2018

Help others and earn to get helped

Time bank, a mystifying word,

didn’t get it, I was truly baffled

a retired Swiss teacher, jubilant

  to get a petty job, seemed absurd

A Swiss pension, too adequate,

can’t make an employee worry

for a decent living, food, attire,

a secured status, never be sorry

It truly was an amazing job, 

to take care of an 87-year-old

“Is it for money?” I asked her,

“not at all!”, she replied bold

“To store time in my account,

when I am flail, incapacitated

if unable to move on my own,

can draw it, if ever it’s needed”
Entirely a new concept, started

by Ministry of Social Security

to take care of d’ elderly guys,

can live a later life with dignity

Better done at an young age,

to accrue it, it’s easy to obtain

can accumulate in own credit,

in old age for a leisurely spent
Applicants to be physically fit,

charged with love, liaising skill

spare li’l time to render service,

look after the elderly if he’s ill

Service hours to get deposited,

in one’s social security account

unfolded it, took a deep breath,

my land lady, I was her tenant
Spending two hours each time,

she went to work twice a week,

to help d’ elderly in shopping,

care for his safety in the street

May not be a live-in care but

it’s meticulous house-keeping

next take him out for sunbathe,

and with him a jovial chatting
After one year of service expiry,

as noted in d’ scheduled accord

bank compounds working hours,

and issue her a “time bank card”
At liberty to use time bank card,

draw credited time and interest

that is gathered in her account,

if ill, requires care of her health

Illness information is verified,

volunteers assigned to attend

take care at hospital or home,

till recoups & fit from her end
Fell off d’ stool, broke her ankle,

while she wiped the windowsill

hastily took leave, rushed home,

to manage her at home or Hospital

Planned to book a holiday home,

to nurse her with ample comfort

she calmly told, “just don’t bother,

I applied to time bank for support”

Time Bank sent nursing worker,

to take care, also to chat with her

to cook delicious meals, snacks,

all done fast, in less than 2 hours

How comfy is d' home to live in,

for quality of life and wellbeing

easy access for family & friends,

suitable for independent living?

A guy at hand, to extend relief,

to a frail, a more vulnerable old

for a chit-chat, for befriending,

devote valued time, being bold
Dreamt of a cosy geriatric life,

old-age care service accepted

awesome concept to practice,

help others, earn to get helped


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