Saturday 17 July 2021

Handle all the muddles and worries


Bore full load as if a rough book,

likely liabilities of all the subjects

ought to have a disgusting position,

no alarming surmise ever to object


Fair books appear clean and tidy,

deftly maintained, well decorated

relish own convenience, ignore it,

its presence also never admitted


Kept on d' face often to go to sleep,

snoring causes its pages to flutter

felt a searing pain as if getting torn,

no single word it attempts to utter


Heart shapes, drawn on its pages,

1st letters of names tagged together

detached with much care, tied to d'

hydrogen balloons to float in the air


Wildflowers and withered leaves,

again traced if love gets shattered

metamorphosis of d' seasons felt,

Summer ensues, Spring departed


Carry several half-resolved sums,

scribbles of insolvable memories

in odd handwriting and code words

only d' person who wrote can read


Berries kept and ate with rock salt,

in torn pages rolled out to packets

crinkled to paper stones to hit and

to make paper boats and rockets


Berries kept and ate with rock salt,

in torn pages rolled out to packets

crinkled to paper stones to hit and

to make paper boats and rockets


We never recognize d' company of

one alike rough book in our family

who can clear every single obstacle,

handle all the muddles and worries


Unknown said...

hi, i am Naisha your grand daughter
i want to ask how do you do this
this is like OMG!
please keep writing these type of poems
thank you, please answer my question

Aabhipsa said...

I keep on scribbling few lines leisurely. You also write beautiful poems adored by your teachers and your friends. Love you.

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