Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Tough to guess d' inner meaning


Sadly hit a rock in d' seabed and

d' ship shortly started to drown

all asked to shift to a lifeboat to

move to d' nearest coastal town

The couple enjoyed their voyage,

any such mishap never foreseen

misfortune ever arrives unaware,

little time left to make a decision


Commuters hastily left the ship,

shifting affairs about to be over

only the undecided couple left,

who to move first was unsure 

Captain overseeing d' transition

with humility and regret, stated

only one place left on the boat,

both can't get accommodated


D' wife told her husband loud,

stretching her hand did shout

infighting or strict instructions

or abusing, hard to make it out


The man left his wife behind,

and instantly jumped to d' boat

no minimal effort to look back,

and her apprehensions to note

The teacher ended d' narration,

and urged d' students to guess

the altercation amongst them,

that fiercely had taken place


Must have cursed d' tense wife,

I hate you made a huge blunder

turned blind to marry you, had

immense faith did never ponder


You selfish, stupid inhuman guy

for your wife, you never bother

most pupils replied d' same way,

pitied d' poor helpless sufferer 

D' teacher saw a boy sitting quiet,

asked, if, in brief, he wished to utter

she should not feel my absence,

take such care of my only daughter


He got surprised and again asked,

did you ever hear this story earlier?

no, but my mom, before her death,

made a similar appeal to my father


Right, that's the factual answer,

and he continued to tell the story

d' ship drowned, he went home,

reared her, took care dedicatory

Not a dad, but as both d' parents,

took genuine care of d' only child

looked after all her requirements,

for future needs too, he compiled

After his death by chance one day,

she located d' dairy of her father

dejected dad, in profound grief for

the terminal illness of her mother


Wished to please her while alive,

planned for that relaxing voyage

d' critical situation they faced was

the unexpected divine message


 Prepared for drowning with you,

but forced to the hard decision

for d' sake of our only daughter,

deserted my love there all alone


You accepted a drowning death,

in the gloomy bottom of the sea

d' big vacuum created in my life,

can't even explain it by any plea


The story ended with a grim note,

in d' classroom, a pin drop silence

good and bad, go together in life,

hard to realize the secret essence


Events often appear distressing,

seem to be one cruel happening

in fact, might be a great sacrifice,

tough to guess the inner meaning

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Unaware of the flaks of prematurity


Won't face nasty labor pain,

felt much relieved to learn

needn't scowl with its pinch,

as it's a plan for a cesarean


The original option changed,

low weight, baby premature

a routine delivery preferred,

as lastly, settled and assured


The unsavory news conveyed,

she almost lost consciousness

d' baby was born 1 hour back,

now she is back to her senses


Even unable to change d' sides,

she felt completely drained out

with much effort, opened eyes,

no life left, in words to spell out


Tried her best to move d' hand,

attempted to feel for something

redid the act with d' other hand,

failed to palpate d' desired thing


Gained nothing, became restless,

didn't it drop down on the floor!

oh God! while she had no sense,

eyed beneath d' cot once more


Nothing found, became impatient,

sweat drops popped on d' forehead

signaled d' nurse stood a li'l away,

she inferred it and marched ahead


Fluttering lips, unable to translate,

d' nurse realized her restlessness

her eyes got loaded, turned moist

after all, she was a mother herself


She rushed to the incubator room,

d' baby was a few wks premature

hardly able to move its thin limbs,

wrapped nicely, making it secured


Lifted the baby with extreme care,

kept it in the hands of the mother

sensed your feelings, lay eyes on it

till you're satiated entirely for sure


See your newborn's serene face,

d' 1st-time mom, don't be anxious

hold the child close to your chest,

recall if anything is more precious


The woman gathered her courage,

gave thanks with a quizzing smile

wiped sweat from d' forehead told,

but ..., I was looking for my mobile!


Need it urgently for a status report,

I've also become a mom in the city

upload in Facebook and WhatsApp,

may be unaware of

the flaks of prematurity

Sunday, 1 May 2022

As by the beating of d' battle drum

The  loved elephant of the king,

in due course has grown old

not sent to d' Warfield anymore,

efforts low, now not very bold


In d' king's parade of elephants,

it proved to be d' most powerful

in fighting skills on d' battlefield,

extra obedient, skillful, sensible

In many wars, it participated and

proved its faultless fighting skills

returns after a victory for d' king,

most ferocious in the enemy kills


Yet kept as part of d' king's team,

enjoyed all d' privileges as usual

relished fit food given to warriors,

treated for ailments, got due care 

Once went to a lake to drink water

his feet got stuck in d' sticky mud

tried his best but kept on sinking,

eyed around for help, prayed d' God

From d' sound of its pitiful screams,

near-by people ran for his rescue

d' elephant was in genuine trouble,

but how to help it out, no one knew


The news of the trapped elephant,

in no time reached the king's ears

the worried king rushed to d' spot,

d' piled up crowd made endeavors

All tried their best for a long time

d' huge creature couldn't come out

the various tricks, attempts failed,

nothing worked slogans or shouts


Gautama Buddha was passing by,

stopped, and the site he inspected

and then suggested to the king,

around d' lake, battle drums played

Onlooker listened to d' suggestion,

felt shocked at the bizarre advice

to force d' animal out of sticky mud

d' battle drums playing will suffice? 

Never said anything to Gautam,

d' battle drums arranged, played

the drums of war started ringing,

a change in its gestures noted


D' lethargic animal slowly stood up,

boosted up its efforts, got set on

started to apply force and intellect,

came out of d' mud easy on its own


D' troubled one's determination

could instantly revise its action

enabled to emerge in no time

as if a miracle shocked everyone

Listlessly lingers d' inherent ability

needs an ignition d' inert passion

d' lost motivation to be rekindled,

as by the beating of d' battle drum