Thursday 5 May 2022

Unaware of the flaks of prematurity


Won't face nasty labor pain,

felt much relieved to learn

needn't scowl with its pinch,

as it's a plan for a cesarean


The original option changed,

low weight, baby premature

a routine delivery preferred,

as lastly, settled and assured


The unsavory news conveyed,

she almost lost consciousness

d' baby was born 1 hour back,

now she is back to her senses


Even unable to change d' sides,

she felt completely drained out

with much effort, opened eyes,

no life left, in words to spell out


Tried her best to move d' hand,

attempted to feel for something

redid the act with d' other hand,

failed to palpate d' desired thing


Gained nothing, became restless,

didn't it drop down on the floor!

oh God! while she had no sense,

eyed beneath d' cot once more


Nothing found, became impatient,

sweat drops popped on d' forehead

signaled d' nurse stood a li'l away,

she inferred it and marched ahead


Fluttering lips, unable to translate,

d' nurse realized her restlessness

her eyes got loaded, turned moist

after all, she was a mother herself


She rushed to the incubator room,

d' baby was a few wks premature

hardly able to move its thin limbs,

wrapped nicely, making it secured


Lifted the baby with extreme care,

kept it in the hands of the mother

sensed your feelings, lay eyes on it

till you're satiated entirely for sure


See your newborn's serene face,

d' 1st-time mom, don't be anxious

hold the child close to your chest,

recall if anything is more precious


The woman gathered her courage,

gave thanks with a quizzing smile

wiped sweat from d' forehead told,

but ..., I was looking for my mobile!


Need it urgently for a status report,

I've also become a mom in the city

upload in Facebook and WhatsApp,

may be unaware of

the flaks of prematurity


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