Wednesday 23 November 2022

Worthy of a divine approximation

Love to see it each morning,

d' same odd scene repeating

a life event around me, just as

a yoga drill, skipping/ jugging


The elderly guy never fails,

does arrive at a steady pace

and picks up d' fallen flowers,

in a mini basket, caringly place


As if ready to visit the temple,

in neat attires, looks virtuous

recites hymns, his voice unclear,

d' routine affair made me curious


One morning I waited for him,

bent on to put my snoopiness to rest

gently asked, daily I see u pick up

d' stale flowers, unable to digest


All pluck fresh flowers only,

u gather d' fallen ones from d' ground

what do you do with those?

tried my best, no answer I found


Offer those at d' feet of d' deities

at home, in our tiny family temple

fallen ones to God? tell me further,

d' logic unclear, not understandable


News to me from the ground,

the withered flowers gathered

when d' fresh ones yet available,

why d' fallen flowers do you offer?


I help those fulfill their kin desire

to be with God in their last moment

they too have, a life like ours, and

it would be their best bestowment


Some pluck d' freshly blossomed,

few nip even d' un-bloomed buds

not let to release their fragrance,

no chance ever to be with d' God


All wish to grasp what is beautiful,

snatch away d' beauty of d' plants

turn those lusterless and deserted,

let aside d' destiny of fallen flowers


They deserve to be with d' God,

it ought to be their prime purpose

if plucked while still on d' plants,

made use of in one decent locus


It's no fault of the flower, it fell off

a different way goes my thought

penalized so harshly for nothing,

get detached from d' plant and rot


Going for the ignored fallen ones,

I derive delight and peace of mind

not able to help d' old age people,

at least to d' flowers can be li'l kind


Others ought to try it too, I nodded,

smiled and wished him all the best

resumed the running spree ahead,

but my mind raced at a faster pace


New inspiration, an amazing idea,

to gather fallen flowers for worship

on d' way back found a hibiscus tree,

could see a few flowers fall under it


As I bent down to pick those up,

fallen ones to God? you can't offer

mom scolded from inside my mind,

hesitant hands obeyed her order


D' feeling, devotion linked to God,

mom's words, mind got altercated

but d' turmoil subsided after a while,

I continued to pick up d' neglected


Placed those on my pulpy palms,

instantly cropped up goosebumps

heart restlessly started to gallop,

it's entirely a different kind of love


Brought those home, cleaned,

put at the feet of d' Lord,

their deserved position

as if lifting d' down-trodden,

d' neglected and poverty-stricken



Rescued d' souls out of misery

an amazing ordeal,

sensed their untold obligation

a satisfying feel


Vowed to carry on d' act

lift d' fallen, below our stature

d' uncared for, d' neglected,

and make their life better

Be it a human, animal, bird

or life in any other form

why not the detached flowers

worthy of a divine approximation



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