Thursday 1 December 2022

Be prolific, stretch other latent capabilities

After a tedious hunt in d' market,

lastly found up to d' satisfaction

certain to buy two red clay pots,

fascinating and fit for irrigation


Water dribbled from one of them,

maybe from some hidden hole

carefully chosen, yet an ill luck

kept the anguish under control


Carried water in those clay pots

from the pond for the watering

the erring pot poured out water

as a routine was too annoying


The pot identified its own flaw,

collating with the counterpart

and felt ignoble and talentless

had no reason to behave smart


The pristine pot felt too elated,

for water loss teased the other

times & again tried to remind it,

the value of the precious water


One day it insisted to d' master,

can stand the spillage no more

no more want to get humiliated,

discard me and go for one better


The farmer gave a gentle smile,

and ignored d' pot's resentment

from d' pondside up to our farm,

did you see the way so decent?


While back on down d' road, saw

fresh flower bloom on both sides

you spilled water, they sprouted,

flourished, and you never realized


To sustain life, d' secret-spilling,

auspicious for their propagation

you felt so sad about d' leakage,

can't discard it's no valid reason


Don't be sad if a wrong detected,

discover d' positive points in us

set aside ill luck, try your talent,

help often offered using d' flaws


Change the spell out of victory,

all blessed with varied abilities

if you lack somewhere, be prolific,

stretch other latent capabilities


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