Thursday 5 January 2023

Chitchatting, gossiping in a tea hut

An amusing moment, enjoying,

the only time, totally tension free

at d' thatched road-side restaurant,

each tossing down a cup of hot tea

A group of doctors gossiping loud,

under the mango tree, a tweetup

d' morning walk, just over, have to

rush to d' Hosp. after a freshen up

Saw a man limping toward them,

one of them offhandedly was sure

ought to have arthritis, left knee,

carried d' body weight for long yrs.

It's a worn-out joint, osteoarthritis,

in d' above-50 guy, an aging affair

d' weight bearing tough right now,

d' full-range mobility seems absurd 

Watch with care, it's a faltering walk,

the second guy said inadvertently

senses a stabbing pain near d' heel,

to put it on d' ground, walk steadily

A hurting fascia in d' flat of the foot,

in his left foot, has a plantar fasciitis

first few steps, worst in the morning,

foot in a hot water bowl proves nice

               The 3rd said it could be a trauma,

might have met with an accident

an incidental twist in the ankle,

from his limping walk, it's evident

The associated minimal swelling,

not appreciated from a distance

few fibers of d' joint capsule torn,

of an ankle sprain, ample chance


The 4th said, see d' man carefully,

trying utmost, can't lift his left knee,

to me, it's a thigh muscle weakness

a lower motor neurons palsy, I see

might be a peripheral nerve injury,

d' long-standing medical condition

neurological test, tell lost reflexes,

with muscle wasting, fasciculation 

A typical scissors gait said d' fifth,

his left upper limb also looks weak

no active movements, visible in it,

it looks like a case of hemiparesis

Before d' 6th proclaims a diagnosis,

he reached the group, got closure

saw at them, asked in a tired voice,

here nearby, if I can find a cobbler

Broken slipper has punished a lot,

unable to walk, drag it any further

the morning walk is totally spoiled,

now focus on repair of my slipper

As d' experts talk in social forums,

d' media trail teams in TV peruse

sword tricks demo in the studio,

to fight a burning national issue

Without any clinical examination,

not applying acumen of any sort

medicos arriving at a diagnosis,

chitchatting, gossiping in a tea hut


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