Sunday 5 February 2023

I wish, like him if all of us were plumbers!


He began fixing the kitchen tap, 

casually I watched him working

took out a wrench from his bag,

did a rejig, soon started spanning

But it was a half-broken spanner,

d' rear end was missing, corroded

he would work with such a tool!

saw with curiosity, I got excited


I called him in d' morning today,

d' leaking tap was too annoying

his response was quite prompt,

assured, reach in an hour's time

Set apart the tap from the pipe,

need to cut off the rotten portion

pulled out a thin saw from d' bag,

strange, it was also half broken


I sighed, asked myself in silence,

is it the right plumber I've called

without the proper tools, how will

be able to do an appropriate job

But proved proficient in his work,

held the saw skillfully in his hand

slowly run it over the rusted pipe

able to cut it into two in the end


He removed that rotten portion,

joined to d' remainder of d' pipe

took only ten mins time to finish,

never saw a fast work of this type

I handed him a 100 rupee note,

Sir, you do not owe me so much

just give me half of that amount,

for this much work 50Rs, enough


I was too surprised at his words,

who lets go of money like this?

his reply stunned me yet more

certain truths of life, I did realize

Sir, when there is a fixed rate for

every single piece of task done

be happy to charge a little more,

but always don't get d' same sum


Want to accept only an amount,

as much as this service is worth

won't be an issue as expectations

won't be raised high henceforth

Listened to him cooly turned polite,

you can buy a new saw and wrench

with d' little extra funds you receive,

job is easy with proper instruments


The plumber smiled, brushed it off,

No, sir, tools do break during work

not hamper much, work continues,

rely on those, do my job, get d' perk

Sir, when you work in your office,

does it matter which pen you use?

you know how to write that's vital,

can finish with any pen you choose


D' skill is in our hands and mind,

never available in the machines

won't able to write with d' best pen

in d' world, if u don't know writing

As the pen for you an instrument,

to me, it's a mere tool, nothing else

these are breakable items, during

hard work, often bound to break


A little broken, but it comes in handy,

rebuy new ones, again will wear off

nothing else to snap further in these,

works smoothly, life, not made tough

A sense of satisfaction spurted out,

amazingly in the daily worker's face

we chase after money our whole life,

don't need so much, for God's sake


Get such a guy in d' journey of life,

anyhow, be anywhere at any time

perceive them, do learn from them,

bow down and admire their thinking

I dared not to say anything further,

yet asked if he would have little tea

No, sir a lot of pending work there,

a number of taps need a repairing


Unless taken care of d' leaking taps,

be sure, will get wasted much water

to use resources, we apply d' intellect,

funds, d' ego, it defines our character

Do we put it to use for d' right purpose,

a proper way to benefit us and others!

he left but left me thinking for a long

I wish,

like him, if all of us were plumbers!


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