Tuesday 14 March 2023

Like this goes the scintillating story

The cookie lover got utterly upset,

taste awful, texture not up to mark

dough ingredients not in proportion,

or it might be a backing-trick lack

Gave d’ star rating, one out of five

reluctantly, cannot reduce it further

a naughty nightmare of munching,

d’ baked husk bicky of muddy odor

In d’ review, he wrote his comment,

it’s just unbearable and ridiculous

pay adequate attention to d’ taste

and d’ crunchiness of the product

Raisins, nuts, and d' chocolate chips,

like in d' others can't make out at all

as got baked might've lost d' details,

the original look, color, and d’ flavor

But under the veil of d’ cute design,

how this junkie taste be acceptable

tried a lot to soothe, the upset mind,

unable to welcome it, just impossible

A lucrative price and offers 50% off,

Amazon to promote their product

two dozen cookies packed nicely,

original, pure, and fit for d’ purpose

Nauseated, had two loose motions,

after eating a couple of the cookies

fallen sick, got cramps in d' tummy,

 d’ processing unit, amply hygienic?

But his friend was not convinced,

wished to check it, explore further

logged into d' net on his desktop,

and visited the Indi-tradition store

Stunningly noted a thing strange,

for a while, eyes stayed wide open

breathed through d’ agape mouth

in a hurry, a big blunder was done

Pure, original cow dung cookies,

for Hawan / any religious purpose

round, 4” diameter, in packs of 24

in a pleasing price, with a 50% off

Handmade and at a genuine cost,

it’s shipped all across our country,

place order online, receive it fast

by an assured doorstep delivery

 From India's online shopping stores

rightful cost, in Amazon/ Big basket

offer an accessible shipping facility,

perfectly safe, smoke-free, the best

Feel high after using the cookies,

in to your life, it brings happiness

to make it with the joyful memory,

recommend it to family and friends

                      Felt feeble then, in a dismal mood,

thought snacks, boost the energy

surfed d’ net, d’ cute cookies word,

turned him blind and more hungry

Details not seen; an order placed

eagerly waited, quieted d’ hunger

d’ doorbell rang received d’ parcel

packed with an attractive wrapper

A prolonged wait over, with a blade

unpacked fast, took bites in a hurry

d’ unease issues ensued thereafter

like this goes the scintillating story


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