Saturday 15 July 2023

All to melt, evaporate and disappear


Portrayed her own pitiful situation,

before a tragic death a few days ago

fashion blogger Kyr Zayda Rodriguez,

revealed in a way, with d' least ego 

Her patterns of the outfits, amazing,

discrete from the other designers

in quality and the style of the cloth

it's tough to get a matching merger

 People felt special in those attires

praised d' hard work and patience

her work new and unique, adored,

can find no one in her equivalence

Suffering from a horrifying disease,

she forthwith bravely announced it

but boasted about being d' owner of

the virgin Sedan parked on d' street

d' famed fashion designer narrated,

her advanced stage IV gastric cancer

my costliest car, it looks so majestic,

can't do even a little bit for its master

Wardrobes full of designer dresses,

can no way help, hanging helplessly

countless startling shoes in d' racks,

solve no purpose, now seem so silly

Her red-carpet walks were all futile,

also, the notable proud felicitations

no. of designer bags idle in d' selves

futile, though garnished in diamond,

D' golden bangles with gemstones,

left in d' lockers are of no use at all

lavish watches put on varied events,

lay in boxes, unable to save my soul

Now d' time is of no meaning to me,

no earthly assets can do anything

d' furnished house looks lusterless

no possession carries any meaning

None can do a thing good for me,

lying down in a twin-size Hosp. bed

sporadically someone pays a visit,

deserted by all, family and friends

Can hire a plane any day of d' week

to any corner of the world if I wish

can have any palatable food items,

any seldom available delicious dish

Never let anyone make me feel bad

that I do not possess a damn thing

if others can acquire and cherish it,

I can also have it's not challenging

But those can't do anything for me,

to my rescue come forward, no stuff

now I realize, be happy with d' little,

if a roof overhead there, it's enough 

Amenities are there /not who cares,

in life, love is ever d' most vital thing

be d' near dear ones or an unknown

hardly matters, love d' human beings

Enjoy d' moments with d' ones u love,

never give up on them any moment

they won't be there, always with you

by d' time you realize, need them back

Might have gone to a distant world,

and even if you set foot there later

won't be able to trace them

power, ego, ability, of no help,

all to melt, evaporate and disappear


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