Sunday, 29 May 2011

Fastidious Fragrance

A merry humming birdie,
sang with shut beaks,
in thick forest
 in interlude,
in a moment’s rest
 smelled an exuberant essence,
in an instant
 blurred it's sense
A half blossomed flower,
placidly begetting
the opulent atmosphere
 Articulated in instance,
“it’s a fastidious fragrance
Uncovered veiled treasure ;
ought to see d' light for sure
beyond d'  forest density,
must touch towering fidelity
  Abundant potentials hidden,
need to translate into action,
sublimity in deserved sphere,
that’s it’s wish, that’s d’ desire
Abounding freshness,
not to be lost
d' insaning essence,
to be retained, at any cost
Appealing aroma not to melt,
in distant forest’s diluted air belt
That’s d' only eager aspire
it's life’s longing prayer
 To transmit d’ enticing smell,
 in a righteous way,
beyond d' horizon 
It enhanced humming,
in geometrical progression;
 Provoked d’ potential;
proud to lit d’ fire
D’ smack not to go haywire,
unrecognized, unidentified
D' sweet little flower,
not to wither unaware

Distances receded,
 proximity progressed
stretched its wings and tail,
on blooming flower’s stamen
gathered sparkling pollen
 dissemination d' ambition,
procreation the aim
Seed sprinkled in public parks,
  places of recreation
 pioneered plant propagation
crossed limits, perimeters,
in entire planet must see
d'  plant proliferation
Attempts laudable,
sincerity brought colour
fragrance diffused to nook & corner, 
to all near and far recess
Humming birdie 
humbled in success

Monday, 23 May 2011

Function of Gall Bladder - GOK

 My patient,
called to my chamber
for counselling
prior to the surgery, 
a brief idea is being given
My PG with me, talked
on gall bladder removal,
a fairly easy measure, 
need not be panicky at all
Nothing  substantial,
a tiny cut in upper midline
or on the right
underneath d' costal margin
Single artery, cystic artery
and single cystic duct
steadily defined with care
then clip clip cut
and clip clip cut
From the liver bed,
uncouple d' gall bladder
and in minimal time
surgery is over
Job done with li'l effort, 
if well versed in Anatomy
Pandora's box's now shut
to give back an intact tummy

For Lap chole need to make
four key holes
and d' procedure performed
to achieve d' same goal 

 One is not enough!
wish to dig four holes
in my tummy!
in the name of 
lap cholecystectomy

 True other options exist,
SILS, Robotics and NOTES
d' facility we can extend,
that only I'll discuss  

Exchanged a smile with her
and then meekly I told
"It's a number of pebbles,
in gall bladder, U hold
I ought to remove it,
opening your tummy
In medical language
it's cholecystectomy"
She behaved quite smart,
several questions she asked
Why not a nick in gall bladder
& suture it after stone ouster?"
I explained, "gall bladder,
d’ stone fabricating unit 
stones reform,
if we won't remove it"

"Sir, is that d' final decision?
then after d’ surgery
rest of my life I'll be,
 a no gall bladder person!
Then sir, how do I survive?
perform my routine activities!"
"Without slightest trouble
you'll have normal longevity"

"So, one can live
without a gall bladder,
and absolutely,
 no problem however"
"Yeah, bile flows
from liver to foregut,
for fat emulsification
Watery bile's enough,
no need of dense bile,
 for oil & fat digestion
 hope you got it,
it's just a simple equation

"Then sir,
why d' organ was created,
and what’s its function?"

My annoyance hinted me,
 to give her no more chance
to strip my shallowness,
and expose my ignorance 

"Enough gallbladders,
you’ve removed
a renowned surgeon
but sans d’ knowledge of 
gallbladder function!

If surgeons unaware,
then who knows it?"
I screamed–"damn it !
please be quiet
Counselling over,
go back to your bed
Don’t devour my head"

"OK sir,
even if no one knows
go ahead-
open, explore, cut, mend
whatever you intend
I offer my tummy in your hand
U enjoy full freedom,
I’ve no objection
even if, its a fact unknown

My dear,
of course it’s known
Known to someone,
that someone,
who created d' organ,
Almighty God,
God only knows (GOK) 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Ageing …… A Scare Crow

Ageing, a set phase in life,

approach of mature years

how got to this juncture,

 ineffable, he was not sure!

 Body altered beyond belief,

intellects no more updated

ensued cerebral decaying,

turned lethargic, outdated

Reflexes truly retarding,

manifestly growing old

confidence fell to a low,

no more prompt & bold

Lively activities still on,

make feel eternally strong

but unceasing work tapered,

obviously he was wrong

Ventures in a good stride,

time passed in rabbit’s pace

ability made him proud once,

ageing crept in sans his sense

Dyeing hair an added work

to evince to be little younger

mind denies to accept d’ fact

never beget d’ natural cheer

Proud with surging ability,

perpetually felt like a lord 

never faced helplessness,

thus no inclination to God

Youth to go, beauty also,

too d’ vision and hearing,

 tensile strength of d’ skin,

d’ perception of cute thing 

Queen’s, no queen for ever

damsel, won’t stay damsel

ageing a constant process

turns a good heaven to hell

Each of d’ passing second,
turns us elder by a second

d’ inevitable task pursues,

never cease, it has no end

Love in d’ ultimate ruins,

the life to loose its essence

 d’ mellifluous music ends,

thinned out to utter silence

Occasionally we recollect,

 a spectacular work done

but then we get surprised,

if d' attainment's our own!

Ageing in all living beings,

 a routine process in nature

no one is blessed to forego,

no hefty genome can ignore

Footprints in life’s sea shore,

 blurred by the tides of ageing

achievements appear unclear,

just in d’ verge of vanishing