Friday, 30 September 2011

Surgery, I love you

Surgery I Love U

Noses were cut to bizarre shapes,

as punitive action in bygone days

in childhood, tales of Robinhood

told by Mom, done in similar ways

Hurt noses mended, remodeled,

with much accuracy and precision

the act is effortlessly performed,

to an incredible cute configuration

Defect, deficit just disappears,

an alluring refurbishing is done

by Sushruta, d' ardent surgeon,

exhibited proficiency too often

Ugliness dissipated in no time,

does d' superb job with success

creative impulse aroused in me,

such craft flourished a likeness

In d' youth, I had an idea of the,

cutting, ousting of d’ body parts

ruined organ’s surgical removal,

replacement by a hale transplant

Dismembering of d’ dead limbs,

Heart, lungs, kidney transplant

life to a child with hepatic failure,

a slice of mother's liver can grant

Conjoined twins can be separated,

possible to patch holes in d' heart

track down high-velocity bullets,

the severed limb one can replant

Piercing foreign body extirpated

can reconstruct a shattered face

craftsmanship has gone far ahead

technicality now an epic, no less

My eagerness at d' utmost extent,

now a thrilling, appealing condition

proneness to d’ branch of science,

pushed me to go for a graduation

Got the scope to study Medicine,

read pertinent professional book

watched operations being done,

evidently had an overall outlook

Availed entire scope of learning,

Unaware, got immensely excited

weakness burgeoned to infinity,

the alluring ethos made me mad

With d' lovely branch of Surgery,

developed mysterious proximity

in earnest intimacy, it concluded,

that was the point of propinquity

An avidity to offer right remedy,

by apt operative management

made my moments hilarious,

created threads of attachment

My Post graduation in Surgery,

an elbow-room for satisfaction

further approximation came up

no infatuation, a divine passion

Perpetually this forged ahead,

an intense long term relation

a committed bond for decades,

without minuscule interruption

Even during d' summer vacation,

away from the Medical college

with a veterinary surgeon friend,

attempted it in a remote village

May not be human beings but

in living animals with perception

instead of a regular vas clipping,

we tried d' vasectomy operation

In goats, calves, sheep, buffalos,

with their keepers' verbal consent

adored d' venture with my friend,

d’ romance truly turned persistent

In senior residency years, I learned

to operate with minimum invasion

putting instruments into d' tummy,

digging few holes as per d' option

Patient can chit chat with d' surgeon

surgery possible on a beating heart,

in womb, birth defects can be mend

feasible in the growing viable infant

I became thoroughly  enthralled,

affinity progressed much ahead

a detachment now beyond belief,

as if bondage of several decades

I signed up as a faculty member

picked up various surgical tricks,

surgery possible from a distant city,

with the cable connected robotics

Earlier I was habituated to surgery,

vicinity put us, in each other's arm

currently an awful surgery addict,

inevitably admire her divine charm

Eventualities do a lot of worries, yet

relished, relishing, to relish is d' norm

 idea of an amicable separation also,

can emanate a withdrawal syndrome

I'll be lustreless, lifeless,

glowless, without any hue

I'm in love, in profound love
Surgery, I love you


harivadan said...

xclant one sir

bunny said...

papa..... I love u... :) :)

sameera kiran said...

i feel so fascinated about surgery after reading dis sir.. very much impressive!! :)

Unknown said...

Nice one sir !!

Unknown said...

good one sir

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