Sunday 2 October 2011

Break up, a quake in sweet relations

Our wave-lengths match,

outlooks almost identical

move precisely d' same way

alike our vision, attitude equal

Ambitions close, creative passion

in the human tissue, I create

she sets rhythmic lines,

shapes couplets

our vicinity in that pretext


An abrupt meet,

a latent likeness,

evolved as a reverence

unfolded our life story,

to assess d' credence

Backdrops of yesteryears

gained ground

with no hesitation

on ample occasions,

worked non-stop in conjunction

victory, triumph episodes

narrated to each other

safety, illness concerns,

began to upset and bother

Tie-ups gained momentum,

achieved a height

ne'er surfaced a disparity,

no occasion to fight

Did stars alter their locus?

ties turned feeble and thin

a tornado whirled in relations,

trust, caring on a decline

Emotional fitments disrupted,

insecurity crept into d' liaison

fringes of labile links disrupted

both inflexible and stubborn

D' detachment hugely hurting,

depressing and suffocating

collapsing d' roof overhead,

bond at the verge of rending

Interactions at a standstill,

thrills of life, right now not felt

leaves of love plucked preterm,

sympathy, solace all did melt

screams/shouts work no more,

commitment dropped to a zero

all ties snapped in a second,

she, no more a heroin

and I'm no hero 

Priorities put in d' back burner,

inclinations retarded quite fast

funs no more remained a fun,

trust at a stake didn't long last

events accepted with bitterness,

no more spent d' time together

calls, not answered, gossips over

a shock of life tough to recover

Faces, not looked at with ardor,

no pleas, no excuses necessary

messages create little excitement,

no haste to reply to, in a hurry

Intimacies hypothetical now,

melodies not relished together

if by chance meet on any occasion,

no iota of pleasure, no signs of cheer


Rigid brakes in bosom relations,

shut forever, chapter of affinity

arduous to interpret the reason,

no sensual feel even in proximity

The mind turns down, how

d' cordial entente could be over,

echoes pop up over and over again

as glace delightful nightmares

Lovely abodes that cropped up

between d' souls, now abandoned

tempest hit, mutilated, mangled,

devastated for no reason

That's the break-up,

a quake in sweet relations


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