Friday 21 October 2011

An uncanny celestial event

An uncanny

Two affable planets spun,


and revolved in own orbit


captivated each other with


least probable ambiguity


D' magnitude of attraction as per,


the law of universal gravity


in proportion to their persona,


varied inversely to d’ liability


Surmised d’ close proximity,

end up in a collision/


 an ill-fated explosion


contemplated no such event


ought to be an illusion

Had d’ primal illumination,


motion maverick, not to stop


in the vastness of blue space,


alike vibrations won’t interrupt


 identical frequencies,


a creative setup


Literary concocts she loves,

I look for aesthetic solutions


for distorted body parts


my professional passion


Can create elegant castles,


for d’ duo a decent dwelling


for myriad yrs an amicable living

 She loves souls of modest conduct,

hurt not d' sentiment of others,

I like guys with an amiable attitude


 admire d’ quality in her ethos


We value each other's feelings,


attitude and disposition


 unifying/ disuniting seductions, 


can’t upset our celestial motion

If too instinctive, task discharge


turns impulsive, absurd


serenity fetches success,


arrogance, even disliked by God


Everything, inconsistent in life,


evolves through transformation


amazing surmises can't assess,


 evaluate our situation

Trust d' advice of inner voice,


truly succeed, reap d' rewards


being curt, to act with diplomacy,


indicate one is a coward


Carry on, in customary form

pretensions won’t assist simplicity

not intimidated by social settings,

perform d’ routine activity

An astounding episode ensued,

no quakes, eclipse/shooting stars


even lingered in original orbits,


nonchalantly migrated amply apart


No effectual force can deflect,


prudent and sensible our motion


to overcome snags in the path,


no scope of diversion in transition


Prime passions if sustained,


profession, promptly augment


our ventures, be recalled later,


as an uncanny celestial event



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