Thursday 27 October 2011

Brand me as superstitious

Often I can't reason,

why do certain things happen

try to correlate, connect

mere co-incidents?

but unable to accept

Maybe a mental block,

but I ponder if it's

a fair or an awful luck

events occur on their own

yet a strange belief, grown

the things happened,

ought to happen

d' genesis of superstition

I firmly believe it,

you may call it a fuss

or brand me as superstitious

What's a bad-omen mean,

and what's auspicious?

I'm meticulously watchful,

yet de trop suspicious

Passing under a ladder

makes life hell,

progress at a standstill or

moves on at d' pace of a snail

A cat crossing d' road,

noted as a bad omen

trip to be started

afresh and again

An explosive sneeze,

maybe a nasal irritation

perilous storm ahead,

is d' simple indication

warns not to proceed further

may face thunder roars,

and rough weather

A certain TV propitious,

I ought to watch,

for a spectacular win

in a cricket match

All the good in life

are achieved soon

pursuing d' laid down

notions of superstition

I believe in omens,

need no evidence

in few odds, I often

smell an excellence

no concern to analyze,

d' sum of  truth/ nuisance

you may call it a fuss

or brand me as superstitious

Irrational folk talks,

valid logical proof absent

future crop ups foretold,

linking unrelated events

Extra charity lowers death

enhances child survival

asserts ample trust,

to celebrate their arrival

On d' 1st day of April, granted

teasing hoaxes and jokes

might humiliate, deceive one,

but invites stupefying luck

Often guided by unknown,

yet view as a notion credulous

lambasted, lack of knowledge

I dislike, d' cross-counter cross

you may call it a fuss

or brand me as superstitious

If d' month begins on a Sunday,

a Friday will be its 13th day

being d' most unlucky number,

d' doomed day, a black Friday

the black Fridays ill-omened,

any untoward might happen

instant crash of d' stock market,

or crash of an airliner plane

flood, landslide, or hurricane

human sacrifice fixes muddles,

can pacify Gods, bring fortune

work carries on as cakewalk,

in a bridge/ temple construction

In the Great Wall of China,

entombed countless souls

to fend off unsure invasions,

or enemy warfare and tussle

The face appears distorted,

if peeped into a wavy mirror

a dirty sign brews bad luck,

as a bolt out of blue bids disaster

I do believe it,

it's in my ethos precious

you may call it a fuss

or brand me as superstitious 

In voyage, a phantom ship,

and a ghostly crew if visible

for sailors to see d' land again,

less likely and impossible

A firm belief prevails In Russia,

August curse in horoscope

tragic wars, terrorist attacks

in August, makes life worse

The Romans sacrifice infants

to appease d' enraged Gods 

Ghosts get fixed forever, if in

proximity to a Christian cross

Perplex situations tide over

by keeping d' fingers crossed

I'm mythical, duly convinced,

to me, evident and obvious

you may call it a fuss

or brand me as superstitious


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