Monday 31 October 2011

In search of a definition

Called d' Surgery PGs

to my chamber,

one after the other

asked to define Surgery,

not to be in a hurry

to sum up their feeling

from own ordeals,

exact and most fitting

in d' casualty, wards, theatre,

episodes faced, to explore

take their own time,

but do perfectly define

To portray in own version,

the first guy was shaky

d' scariest branch in Medicine,

turns life unduly panicky

cut, suture, coagulate, debride

the craft seems filthy

d' areas to deal with,

diseased and unhealthy

an awful way d' task done

for a superb outcome

For me,

an MS degree abundant,

a brick of gold, 25 carat

grants scope to excel in d' city,

to outsmart d' health fraternity

The next guy narrated

Surgery, a dignified robber,

plucks the pain-agony

makes life snug, secured

patients tell a fictitious story,

d' grueling spell faced

narrate own bravery,

surgeon never named

but for any shortfall,

always surgeon blamed

A real hero, truly decent

ne'er hang around,

for a compliment

Present PG, smart guy,

spoke in a soaring voice

turns one wealthy,

a branch of choice

A degree to make money,

d' merit of life elevated

can settle well in society,

the status uplifted

An enterprise for ventures,

explore human body parts

scope ample, yield profound,

if d' art of marketing, apt

The next PG told,

surgery, a pretty damsel,

with alluring look

comely, lovely, enticing

one might run amok

Shining feline eyes,

rimmed with dark eyelash

d' features make medicos,

crazy in a lone glance

Can't say goodbye,

vanishes not d' ecstasy

d' world appears decent,

with the belle's phantasy

Next, a lady postgraduate,

set her foot in, overheard

burly rebut, Surgery,

a lofty, handsome lad

Obscure his narration,

not free to settle d' gender

it's indecorous, improper

to talk as an

insensible offender

Surgery, a generous guy,

supportive its nature

treats ladies in high esteem,

its vicinity one feels secured,

A guy fascinating,

appealing from within

ever agreeable,

frank and fun-loving

Surgery a fruit,

fleshy and juicy,

fresh from d' orchard

munch with care

superb and crispy

A tool with precision,

to cut, rebuild body part

molds into an august barber,

an oracle in d' awesome art

a priceless ladder to success,

learn d' trick to climb

gather honey not get stung,

a tempting, luscious beehive

A rhizome with diverse cloves,

right clove to be chosen

life instilled in a baffled victim,

if dealt with

by a skillful surgeon  

Surgery, a divine art,

an elegant God-given skill

not attained by bookish grasp,

degrees or medal-winning drill

A winsome ability,

fetches own admiration

with its inherent beauty

noblest of d' noble professions

A hypnotizing branch

charismatic, ever-advancing

can't unfold its precision

tough to depict, truly define

I'm proud of my last PG,

depicted surgery to d' hilt

defined in a dignified way,

d' articulation flawless, polite

An ethereal tune of a fine flute,

so compelling the narration

his say soothed ear and sole,

it's surgery's true definition


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