Tuesday 1 November 2011

Poems………..d' prime passion

A luminary unknown,

unawares appeared

ignited d' lamp of wisdom

let-out light, nonstop forever

Dispelled the darkness,

evoked an ornate spirit

feels in brief to convey,

cutting across all ambits

Enkindled a passion,

to unceasingly burn

in presence or absence

of that stranger unknown

D' mysterious might depart,

disappear or reappear

stride to sustain routinely,

it shouldn't ever matter


an auspicious initiation, done

light not to be doused,

my top concern

prolific energy diverted,

to keep up d' wick to burn

feelings forged into poems,

poems d' foremost passion


the endless fountain

of an emphatic person

impacts of life situations,

indelible not forgotten

A gush of thought mingle

form rivulets

rivulets merge to make a river

d' overflowing river,

culminates in flood

it's d' genesis of poems,

genuine or absurd

The greyhaired gave coins,

in d' palm of his grandson

asked him to hand it over,

to a poor frail person

to teach d' art of donation

Not appended in character,

ceased as time passed

once grown up,

loads of illicit wealth he amassed

Kindness, tough to teach,

it's amalgamated in blood

a beggar can give better alms,

surpassing a wealthy lord

Writing continues

in full velocity and vigor

identically perceived

any pain or pleasure

Comments, compliments

equally taken

an unbiased path adopted,

no curb in the creation

Blended in blood,

disseminated in circulation

tough to be deleted

even by a genetic manipulation

creativity to hold on,

as poems, d' prime passion


Dr.Ashok said...

Dear Dr Sastri Sir,
Your Words are Sweet.
Keep writing more like a free flying bird.
I will be sending more replies in future too.
Yours Sincerely,
Lt Col Dr Y Ashok

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