Thursday 10 November 2011

In solitude…things happen


Absurd notions trickle in,

in solitude, ventures happen

factual being put in peril,

facial flesh flutter on

Guilt-free eyes gaze,

far off d' blue sky to d' horizon

generate gentle smile

before d' mirror,

with no valid reason

Figure out your own anatomy,

buckle to unalike postures

fold-unfold extremities,

make umpteen gestures 

Hear uproar of tummy,

palpate pulse, heartbeats

hop, vault, and bounce,

do countless gimmicks

till energy depleted,

feel tired and sick

Confined thoughts,

beget resentment

no steam let off,

a lonely confinement

  In seclusion,

I often conceptualize

caged in my dwell-spot

yet unable to realize

Often locate me

in an idle morning walk

in a dilapidated

neglected park

Run inane after butterflies,

to catch them alive

a heedful grasping,

not to muddle with

the designed wings

apparent and distinct

before release, view, and relish

their antennal dance bits

Often in isolation,

feel, far ahead I've gone

in pleasant breeze

of a winter dawn

In d' seashore stroll 

pre-teen days, I recall

wish to kneel on d' sand,

to build a sandcastle

Pile up wet sand on foot,

thump, make foolproof

squeeze self into a pigmy,

get in, not hitting d' roof

During wave breaks

pounce upon d' tiny crabs

rush into receding tides,

d' mini souls, I love to grab

In solitude,

I swiftly disappear,

sneak into her dream,

startle her, appear abruptly,

make her scream

Often I dig my mind,

a treasure hunt,

ensure d' upper chamber,

filled or fully vacant

I desire to equate

sit steady, calmly calculate

Do hens suffer from high sugar?

in diabetic hens,

after laying eggs

can a lot of rice be offered?

In Giraffes,

d' high neck animal

heart to pump blood

to reach d' brain 5 feet up,

also, it's possible

I often speculate,

d' pancreas size in elephant

for d' mega body,

is insulin supply sufficient?

Scared to deduce,

size of d' heart in an ant

if imaging possible

to assess its cardiac ailment

 Left alone,

in desolate situation

fully abandoned

pelt stone to a beehive,

a long chase by bees

look for a pond to dive,

to remain alive

A photographic venture

a jackal pit I entered

feet hung out of d' hole,

rats nibbling my sole

In solitude, things happen

swing in massive motion

enjoying d' sway, swing broken,

pierced a wall,

gets into a burning oven

The threads of d' past,

trace keenly up to d' last

any twist, knot, or a bend

or straight up to d' end

Make myself pliable,

as doughnut ball

passive, submissive

to a thin sheet, I'm rolled

sliced into tiny pieces

fried or freeze

as per choices

On occasions wish,

be an amorphous brand,

grandiosity, humility,

evenly to withstand

Often attempt for

my openness to widen

ignore abuses,

Silly accusations

tolerate libelous remarks

Victory and defeat equally taken

In solitude…,   things happen


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