Wednesday 26 October 2011

Aberrations accepted often

Weird events crop up often,

in His awesome creation

a petty digression,

from d' divine disposition

An anomaly,

incidental aberration

nature's a phenomenal rule

d' absurdity on often-times

more meaningful

A mole on the fair cheek,

a spot of beauty

a mild thyroid bulge

charming in dames at puberty

Fabulous look of a girl

with an overriding teeth

a naughty child,

mischievous, yet so sweet

Dark specks on d' moon, a norm

amplifies its enticement

tiny oddities,

nature's accepted design,

for appeasement

Heart on d' right, liver on left

a lip deficit/gap in d' palate

a hole in d' heart's septum,

yet d' guy, a gracious person

Fused fingers or surplus toes

bat ears or a twisted nose

God put parts that way,

counted as no anomaly,

trust d' guy right away

in any context

may be big-hearted, decent

Beyond d' confines of

a routine nuptial kinship

souls often sidetrack,

to a funny friendship

The appeal of human souls,

not invariably inhuman

considered casual,

no Greek, Latin, or Roman

Appears ridiculous

of course, in d' social mirror

yet no disgraceful remorse

not viewed as a sin,

a mini aberration,

granted in God's forming

Make the mind blank,

imagine a situation

snap the ties of

all original relation

Fracture the fence,

disobey d' demarcations,

cross the confines,

defy directives in unison

Spread wings steadily,

dispel d' bondage of inertia

fly farthest to a dreamy world

of immense euphoria

Enjoy life,

away from d' path usual

beyond a response normal

shut d' eyes, try to feel

it's an acceptable situation

termed as an aberration,

yet acknowledged

in God's amazing creation

 A curious divergence, 

our brief amalgamation

yet a gospel truth,

a truth undeniable

factual fables of fabrication,

precisely agreeable

might dislike it, refute, hate

yet a genuine, realistic fact

Not stupid,

absolutely no wrong

appears absurd,

still a delightful song

U know not or know,

aberrations an admissible go

sans it d' life a play,

monotonous and slow

march ahead, attain new height

beyond our visual field,

at a distant sight

Extraneous stimuli

not to deter d' pace

present world,

a target-oriented race

Forge ahead,

ignore d' aberration

to achieve perfection

But aberrations universal truth,

never forget

their beauty need not ignore

ought to accept to a certain extent


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