Friday 27 July 2012

Baby Rock-a-bye

 Born in mid July
Baby Rock –a- bye
Made mom so proud,
basks in glow of motherhood
Mom, yet a grown up kid,
with smile naughty, wild
craze for dulcet music,
her fab cellphone full of it
 U've inherited d’ quality!,
gifted with opportunity
euphonic music at home,
make it ally, my dear one
it’s echoes, soothe d’ soul
mould U to a decent doll
upset not mom,
no unwanted cry
Baby Rock –a- bye
Cotton wool creature, 
of tender fair mom,
dreams for U, already on,
for a prince handsome
Wish U to fly,
with soft wings,
land in an island,
of your dreams
Before U were born,
identity not known
A bit of lunar light
or a ray of sun
It does hardly matter
light expels gloom
forever and ever
U a divine blessing,
a treasure of love
God’s gracious grant,
from heaven above
a lovely bouquet of joy
Baby Rock –a- bye

Your maiden choice,
to listen to mom’s voice
So melodious, so addicting,
well versed in,
from days of womb living
U respond by gentle kicks,
rhythmic serene shifts
just up to her liking,
even if quite hurting
Tiny brain, sharp memory,
defiant look, myriads of query
No more coo, no babbles
Go to sleep, no hassles
Soothing lullabies she’ll try
Baby rock-a- bye
So caring, so loving your mom,
bed time feeds in semi-dark room
A soft massage, warm night bath,
silent room, doors ajar, shut
yet  scant sleep, no plain reason
 scare of separation from d’ mom!
Hunger, colic or a wet diaper
A red ant in swaddling attire?
Biochem ever, solve d’ puzzle!
excess cortisole, wake up factor
or lack of Melatonine,
d’ sound sleep hormone
Sleepless nights for dear mom
insomnia ache, ought to learn
wishes to explore,
why U cry
Baby Rock –a- bye



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