Tuesday 31 July 2012

Our paternal property

Fighting for flesh,
like starving hyenas,
over d’ corpse
A shocking demise,
as if no loss
Who to devour head
Who d' body & limbs
An unsolved puzzle,
 a sharing never ending
No solution in sight at all
Soul rightly departed,
none could stop it’s goal
Body lies dormant,
for leftovers d’ quarrel

Earned a lot of fame
left in locker of own name
Key to it not traceable,
fighting on for wealth,
possessions perishable
Wise always do d' trick,
achieve target, instantly vanish
Care little for earthly asset,
realize early, part with it
Can never be taken,
  to hell or heaven

Son, a son never
Daughters, no daughter
 Wife even not a friend,
during days in d' end
Knowledge gained,
  he wanted to share
Not many interested, 
not many cared

Made Sanskrit epics simple,
for untaughts meaningful
Helped needy with finance,
 directionless, right guidance
 jail inmates, school children,
diseased, disabled person
Defined divine ethics,
 to sufferers,
accepted as a savoir,
 live God for his followers
Belonged to each lover,
pleasing to rich & popper

Ash not to be distributed,
no grave to be erected
Even not granted,
 last wish of d’ soul departed
While alive,
never noticed his quality
After he is no more,
he is our paternal property


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