Saturday 29 September 2012

Met my soul mate

Souls carved in holy heaven,
mates made for each of them
Aptly designed, gender same,
least bustle for name or fame
Once born, grown up on earth,
avidly seek for own soul mate
Lucky ones locate, crony soon,
perfect match, precise person
A being traced by titanic faith,
alliance grows to glowing depth
Years elapse, adds eternal joy,
intimacy mounts in mortal toys
Most majestic a divine bliss,
not gained by passionate wish
It’s Universal Law of Attraction,
souls close in, in cordial occasion

Two knotted balloon, drifting up,
right ally tracked, no abrupt stop
Rejoice events achieved in unison,
 share all doleful, gloomy environ
Pamper, protect with proper care,
abundant trust in d’ flawless pair

Soul mate joins as life partner,
 or a precious pal, progeny, lover
Life ally allured to be soul mate,
illusions forsaken, true trust felt
Tough tasks tackled, evenly done,
 covenant of prior birth, visibly on
To rear, to parent a tender soul,
sponsor d’ growth, fitness overall
Alliance secured by merit of bond
 In terms of time, no apparent end
World an amazing wonderful place,
ample scope for sweet experience
Abundant love, need to exchange,
 notions consistent, never strange

Whole of life chased for soul mate
interacted on d’ way, when we met
Saw her once, a feeling got born
shared sundry lives, not just one
A call of concern, about my food,
“ U hapless cook achieved any good?”
A hand extended for kitchen drill,
 Unsure enough, to utter my will
Ventured my house, an act dazing,
daring expedition, utterly thrilling
Inhibitions nil, hesitations none,
enticing milieu, surge of emotion
Crossed d’ fence for a closeness,
for proximity, entirely valorous
D’ fair dame blazoned her might,
proved outspoken, my lips tight
Created ripples in blood stream,
crop up continually in my dream

Life a book, few pages I turned,
pleasant moments passed & gone
An entity moves away from shore,
reduced to a dot, yet can’t ignore
All past events vivid in memory,
glitters for a while in d’ life story
A prolonged wait for entire life,
special one steadily crept inside
Made it to podium, turned a mate,
shared a path, spiritual & straight
Memory ample stacked in silent,
stunning story of striking moment
As mirror, before me she stood,
faced contempt in intact selfhood
Altered d’ life, audited my deeds,
intuition told, she created for me
Clouds cover sky, dusk draws near,
many hidden peaks yet to conquer
An accord exists amid our soul,
to share feelings for ever & ever
In precision, that’s how we met
obviously it’s a divine accident