Monday 3 September 2012

I can & I'll

Easy to give up smoking!,
attempted, many a times
In spite of damn serious,
to quit, took several years
It’s nearing two decades,
since last puff, I enjoyed
Sternly made up my mind,
turned utterly determined
Called my domestic help,
passed over d' cigar packs,
from  draws, from d’ racks
“Dump them all, in d’ drain
no queries, desired again”
He noted my fickle notion,
Silently carried all d’ stock,
 stored covertly d' entire lot
 Dare not dispose right away
 guessed, I'll ask, d' next day
 I adopted an ardent resolve
 no smoke resume, it's solved
  Rigid will power, firm decision,
  to tide over the stiff situation
 D’ maniac craze, craving gone,
an instant stop to habituation,
No counseling for de-addiction,
my determination, a mile stone
Determined guys, never recede,
any odd stretch, try to proceed
Tea making, to tree planting,
poem composing to paragliding
No hurdles can break d' rhythm,
no barriers, hinder momentum
Match a housewife, even a maid
task swiftly done, faster than said
Inner potentials absolutely strong,
no wait, outcome right or wrong
Till job accomplished,even no wink,
behave stubborn, refuse to sink

Life a path, with crevices, cracks,
drop to a crack, drags to foot path
Steadfast ones get up, carry on,
attitude firm, reach destination
Wish to achieve, unfogs d' way,
solitary silhouette lopes away
Perseverance makes difference,
tunes up all apparent cadence
No blame game, beget situation,
move ahead, with firm intention
Only defeat, not a final defeat,
lone flaw, no flaw, might repeat
Ambient challenges, aptly taken,
coveted ending ought to happen
I can do, evidently I will,
any tough task up d' hill!


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