Thursday 21 February 2013

My lot of d’ mega omelet


 That bright Sunday morning,
we got up early,
me and my sister Jolly
Went for morning walk,
to the nearby park
Came home, felt hungry,
waited for breakfast eagerly 
Heard mom’s egg whipping
Onion, tomatoes, green chilies,
coriander chopping
All mixed to beaten eggs,
to make a mega omlet
 gushed to d’ largest frying pan,
allowed to cook, for a short span
We seated at d’ table, gossiping,
avidly waiting
Hoped it won’t be late,
dreamt first bite of d’ floppy omelet
Sunday omelet extra large, routinely,
 shared by each one in family 

Papa walked in with someone,
we stared at him, our look wearisome!
Wrinkles on our forehead,
big and broad a person,
Papa’s boss, a valued guest
Sat down at d’ dining table,
In a deep gentle voice,
turned to us, uttered hello
Put numerous question,
"Which class do U read in,
how far your school ?"
Dad observed, d’ way we answered,
sitting at his usual place at d’ table
 A mouth watering hypnotizing aroma,
wafted out of d’ kitchen
Manners d’ priority,
desires to be kept hidden
My stomach rumbled,
Jolly nudged me and giggled
Dad and his boss drowned in talks,
never bothered for us
Redolence grew stronger,
diffused to nook & corner
from d’ kitchen, mom walked out
in hand, a plate with d’ mega omelet
Went first to d’ guest,
to him, held out d’ plate
To cut one of d’ wedges,
 marked on d’ omelet
murmured, “Eat it while it's hot”
He didn’t pay attention,
fully immersed in conversation
Casually stretched his hand,
grabbed d’ whole plate
Set it down in front of him,
began to eat
Mom in shock, recovered first,
to discover our panic stricken face
Rushed to d’ kitchen
came with few bananas in hand
 We reached out glumly for them
Breakfast over, guest departed,
d’ horrible moment gently passed
Since then,
no more mega omelet,
ever made in our kitchen
Mom makes little omelets for each of us,
 thrill to reach out, a triangular piece,
my lot of d’ mega omelet’s lost


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